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Looking for a graphic design job in Dubai

Currently living in Europe and would like to relocate to Dubai. I am looking for a graphic design job. Does anyone have any links to Design agencies or current openings?

Thank you.
by sdittmair
Jul 22, 2004
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Looking for a graphic design job in Dubai
Replies: 0
Views: 2509

Looking for a job in Dubai, as a graphic desginer

I will be coming to Dubai for a few days in August.
I am looking for a graphic desginer job, or an account handling job.
Does anyone have any ideas of design agencies or companies I can write to. (i have written to the media house already)

by sdittmair
Aug 04, 2004
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for a job in Dubai, as a graphic desginer
Replies: 4
Views: 3543

i have found a job, but am always interested in new opportunities. i have some experince in events - are you looking for event managers? what is this exactly regarding - what's the name of your company etc..
by sdittmair
Mar 25, 2005
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: Looking for a job in Dubai, as a graphic desginer
Replies: 4
Views: 3543

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