scmuhu - Posts

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looking for folk rock musicians...

Looking for musicians to play indie/folk/folk rock style music with, mainly acoustic. I play guitar and mandolin (although I don't have one in dubai) looking for guitars, mandolin, piano, drums, singers etc. anything really as long as the style suits PM me if interested. p.s. this is not a paying gi...
by scmuhu
Aug 12, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: looking for folk rock musicians...
Replies: 0
Views: 1087

5/7 a side footy dubai


looking to play a bit more football, ideally some regular 5 or 7 a side, anyone have any space on a team?

25 years old, full back/winger

let me know if anything is available!
by scmuhu
Aug 12, 2013
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: 5/7 a side footy dubai
Replies: 0
Views: 2135

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