In Plant street (Al Hudaiba st) in satwa there are many aquarium and pet shops. Also in Al Barsha to the south of MOE there is an aquarium sop under one of the residential buildings
orik your posts are always really weird ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? scarlet , I Suggested A Topic And Really Very Interesting And Intellectual Topic For Being Away Of Bored Syndrome. It Can Be Worth Exploring. If You Have Better Idea, Then Show Yours. We Wi...
Noor Bank (the 7th (I think) local bank) just flew their banner across the sky. Great advertisement. Hope it didnt cause any accident on SZR though! Bad advertisement.. None except u seem to've noticed it :P I saw it on my way to work. Silly to advertise a name in Arabic when the flag is flapping. ...
The Translation : IF YOu Want To Find A Job In Dubai, DONT DO IT FROM YOU COMPUTER FROM OTHER COUNTIRES, DO IT DIRECTLY IN DUBAI, IT IS MUCH BETTER Do you do affiliate marketing by any chance? I was trying to work out why you use so much bold and colours and underlining, but it's beginning to make ...
Well BD you'll be happy to know I just tried the Chicken and Mushroom pie from the new coffee shop downstairs and it was awesome. I would highly recommend it.