Peachy your hotel has a shuttle bus service to the beach and anyway it is only 10 minutes by taxi to jumeirah beach park 5dhs entry. If you want culture the opera madam butterfly is on the 17 and 18th at the madinat. Try the dubai visit section and do a search. or try arabian adverntures for tours, ...
Bushra will you teach me to belly dance with you? i've done some elemantary classes but really need to get my hips swaying. then you have a legit excuse to intro me to your mum and we can go out raging!
On this note if anyone knows of any Greek teachers then please let me know, I think it's about time I learnt this, although I'm terrible at learning languages. Chocs if you buy an Greek book for beginners - i will bring you up to my level - read and write in greek and manage to get around the count...
in western I saw some people, that in place of dog have a pig. and they walk with pig in the city. I saw a man on day he has a small young pig . he walked with the pig in the city, every one wachted and hug the pig or kiss it. I think only because the pig was small. looks very cute. but when they g...
Oh my God Maad this is no joke - this is the hardest poll I've had ro answer. beacuse it totally depends on the restaurant. when you've had a good fatoush it is so easy to swoon but when it's ordinary you wish you's ordered tabouli. I am always in a dilima over this one PS Arnie - i am disgusted tha...
Why the 1 year rule? Say your contract stipulates 6 months probation and you then you have to reimburse expenses if youleave within that time - then can you leave after 6 months?
1 : the quality or state of being inane : as a : lack of substance : EMPTINESS b : vapid, pointless, or fatuous character : SHALLOWNESS
2 : something that is inane
This is very interesting but is the post now about money and property? Arnie yoiu say that earning b/t 10-20K per month is not a good reason to come to Dubai. But what about moving here for the whole experience? The new culture, the learning of different life experiences. To me this was a big factor...
Gotta a great idea and potential business plan Nick... Buy a hovercraft and take the back route across the sand from MoE to the creek...then just motor up the water and up the ramp at the new bridge by Festival City and you'll be home in no time! Mind you, you might find another hovercraft right be...
Thank you all for your replies. I must say, I have looked into relocation to Dubai but after visiting this forum I realised it is not such good idea (at least right now). I have enjoyed this forum so much that I can’t leave now. :lol: I would love to meet some of you. SARA don't base your decision ...