HI every one i'm a university student in dubai i'm looking for any promotion job that will last for 1 month or less. so where to go how to start can anyone help me pls guider
why you wanna find friends in dubai it's sucks rubbish i born here in dubai and i have tried many nationals example arabs are problems iranians are selfish.
so it's better to not have i would rather be alone
[list=] will arabian girls well why would you like to have arabian girls why not any other nationals. arabic girl would like money rich they born with this thinks they are never practical like japanese europeans. specially if you get a girl from gcc you will face alot of problems trust me. other ar...
don't ever date an emirate girls. problems are follows;
1. big loose of money they are not practicle in the life we live.
2. if she got brother you rather be killed.
3. you will lose your future and gain more problems with her family they will kill you there culture are so different.
don't do it it's risky you haven't seen him before. just look for a people around you you will find intelligent people around you there is a lot nationals in dubai good luck