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Seat Toledo 2001!

Hi I just got my driver's license and I am planning to buy a used car out of my savings which unfortunately isn't much . I've saved about 15000 AED out of my pocket money and as it turns out my options are very limited. I saw an ad at dubizzle on Seat Toledo 2001model for a reasonable price of 11000...
by s4ndp
Dec 15, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Seat Toledo 2001!
Replies: 3
Views: 2511

Thanks for your reply :D It was very helpful . I am going for a test drive today evening so if everything seems alright i will be buying it. Another concern is insuring the vehicle . Since my license is just 4 months old would it be difficult for me to insure it ? :? I read the insuring policies FAQ...
by s4ndp
Dec 16, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Seat Toledo 2001!
Replies: 3
Views: 2511

I had to pay 400 dhs in Sharjah for expired registration . I was hit my another car . I was not at fault but still I had to pay 400 dhs for expired registration . Fortunately I had insurance so i got away from being impounded. Since u want to sell your car I am not sure how exactly it works.In the R...
by s4ndp
Dec 16, 2008
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Expired registration
Replies: 2
Views: 3288

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