rupesh - Posts

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This is INSANE!!! Check out this paragraph: "The infra-red camera uses an invisible flash so that it will not be seen when IR INFRA-RED a photo is taken. This may be convenient for example in residential areas where one does not wish to disturb residents with a white visible flash." This b...
by rupesh
Nov 18, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's up with the new speed cameras on SZR
Replies: 113
Views: 21421

Dr Strangeglove wrote:... This either means:

1) They aren't active yet.

2) I've got a truckload of new fines headed my way.

read here:
elfurl . com/poaxg

maybe we're lucky and they're not "considered/reliable/authorized/implemented" yet thus still being under testing...
by rupesh
Nov 21, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: What's up with the new speed cameras on SZR
Replies: 113
Views: 21421

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