roboclan - Posts

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sit down Christmas Dinner/lunch not a buffet

Hi i am looking for somewhere in Dubai that actually does a sit-down Christmas dinner or lunch. I have been going to the same restaurant for 11 years and this year they have decided to do a buffet. I think this takes the intimacy out and makes it seem so much less Christmassy :cry: does anyone know ...
by roboclan
Aug 31, 2014
Forum: Dubai Events
Topic: sit down Christmas Dinner/lunch not a buffet
Replies: 1
Views: 2702

christmas dinner/lunch set menu

hi i am looking for a restaurant or cafe that will take bookings for christmas day for a sit down christmas dinner or lunch that is a set christmas dinner and not a buffet. we have been going to the same place for the last 11 years and this year they are making it a buffet :roll: , i believe this ta...
by roboclan
Aug 31, 2014
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: christmas dinner/lunch set menu
Replies: 2
Views: 1650

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