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Labor Case.... Please advice

I was working with a private company in Dubai. I was working here since 2011 on wards, I wasn’t getting salaries since January 2014, so on September 2014 I submitted my resignation and informed my company to settle my dues. I have served one month notice period and stopped my work after finishing no...
by ritty
Jun 04, 2015
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Labor Case.... Please advice
Replies: 2
Views: 2540

Re: Labor Case.... Please Advice

Thanks for your reply, I am working in this company in it's sales division, not into accounts, to run the sales division they used to give me cash and i submit it's bill back. monthly company gives 12,000 AED and I used to clear it before getting another month's payment. I have settled the accounts ...
by ritty
Jul 09, 2015
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Labor Case.... Please advice
Replies: 2
Views: 2540

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