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Re: DEWA now require title deeds for connection

Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows if DEWA Discovery Gardens are still accpeting Purchase Agreement (no title deed) for new connections? I tried DEWA Jumeirah on Wednesday (22 August) and they would only accept with title deed. I notice the post relating to this is almost a month old so I'm wond...
by riktnc
Aug 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DEWA now require title deeds for connection
Replies: 33
Views: 9046

Re: DEWA now require title deeds for connection

Thanks, I suspected that might be the case. I have received the following information from my agent: "I have contacted my contacts as well in DEWA and advised with the feedback. - if a Land Dept reciept is showed at DEWA stating title deed has been applied then its a go ahead Or - Landlord has ...
by riktnc
Aug 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DEWA now require title deeds for connection
Replies: 33
Views: 9046

Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection

Thanks guys, trouble is the LL (like 1000's of others in Dubai apparently) hasn't applied for his title deed yet. I doubt his agent can do this on his behalf, but they will try and put in the application, pay the amount and obtain the receipt of application for title deed, which DEWA have said will ...
by riktnc
Aug 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DEWA now require title deeds for connection
Replies: 33
Views: 9046

Re: DEWA Now Require Title Deeds For Connection

I went with the agent to DEWA Discovery Garden on Sunday and they are no longer accepting Purchase Agreement however they are accepting a receipt from the Land Department showing that the application for Title Deed has been submitted. The landlord is coming to Dubai this evening to try and sort it, ...
by riktnc
Aug 28, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DEWA now require title deeds for connection
Replies: 33
Views: 9046

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