i merely use the denial of homosexuality line for of humor. Fayz seems to really know what it takes to be in the closet. the percentage of people who are acually gay is pretty low in any nationality and its random. but its good to know Fayz knows where the aussie and kiwi ones hang, as he's meeting ...
you having a go is expected and its the same old crap i hear when people don't get jokes... your not alone, there are plenty of other people who just see the words and can't make it into anything other than what it says.
fayz, i am sorry to give you cause to tap franticly at your keyboard, but i know this will dissapoint you , perhaps thats why you are so keen to have a big meeting, but i am straight, "me like girls".
the less people that have nukes the better.... but wouldn't it make an awsome suicide bomb. you wouldn't strap the bomb to you, you'd be strapped to it., how would you get it onto a bus tho, or thru a restaurant door?
like george michael said in the song "i want your sex"
'sex is natural sex is good, not everybody does it but everybody should'! those words ring so true to me.... and to liban's good friend Diana... for a price
i suggest she find a muslim man that has grown up in a house less strict with the muslim way of life, explain to him going into the relationship what has happened and hope for the best.
hey guys, got my offer today. I'll be doing the marketing and sales for a big equipment rental company there in dubai but just for their new modular building company. marketing and selling prefab buildings, camp sites and other building projects to the oil companies, armed forces and event promotion...