Come on, have'nt you heard-
well if your love is true and you believe in the relationship,no one can break it.Not even a distance of millions of miles becoz after all your lovedone stays in your heart.RIGHT!Don't get depressed!
[quote="Defo"][quote="reem"] If you love something set it free, if it comes back, it is yours, if it does'nt it never was!!!![/quote] Wise words... but why should u test someones love by setting him/her free? :? Becoz u wanna find out for sure he/she loves u back? If u keep your ...
The most decent way to enjoy in U.A.E,is to become a member of Dubai forums and then post something that is very silly :wink: .Then!What next!Nothing,Sit back and relax.Some people will agree with your message,some won't,some will argue!and the person who started all this(you) would sit back and ENJ...
[quote="venom"]I sometimes wonder who are THOSE people who made such saying like"if u love someone set them free" what a bunch of BS! lets be practical here! You love someone...go tell her...whats the worse she'll do...slap u? love hurts so if ur going to be in love get ready for what has ...
[quote="sniper420"][quote="reem"]Hi Ali, say u one thing your love is so strong she would definitely come! If you love something set it free, if it comes back, it is yours, if it does'nt it never was!!!![/quote] Isnt that reem u? :roll:[/quote] Sorry,snipper but for your kind inf...