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Is really Marilyn manson a homo?

I like his songs but want to know if he swings the other way for real
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103

Concord wrote:
redmatrice wrote:English , french , arabic , spanish those are the most spoken language in the world so wonder how much counrty will speak french

Wrong: chinese and hindy.

i'm talking about the world not only UAE
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How do you decide who to marry
Replies: 61
Views: 5738

yorky500 wrote:well, aside from the fact that he writes awsome music, he is a bit messed up in the head I have to admit, but I was not aware that he has a dodgy preference"

does this answer to my question?
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103

by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: New game:cities(try it)
Replies: 1116
Views: 120729

by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: New game:cities(try it)
Replies: 1116
Views: 120729

by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: New game:cities(try it)
Replies: 1116
Views: 120729

I like marilyn manson too, what's your favourite song? And no, marilyn manson is straight. but he does like singing about queers. Does that bother you red? no no it doesn't matter , just wondering Favourite marilyn song's lol alot The nobodies - Eden Eyes - Kingkill - the dop show - sweet dreem - T...
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103

I need to know - Marc Antony
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: What are you listening now?
Replies: 386
Views: 48959

what about you?
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103

S'aint wow it rocks i like a lot I don't care if you world is ending today cus i wasn't invited to it anyway , you saw i tasted famous , so i drew your a heart , but i'm not a artist just a work of art , I've got a F and C and I've got a K and the only think that missing is a person Like you Lol i'm...
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103

asc_26 wrote:WOW, good to see peeps fighting last night and now they're friends. Very good Paranoid and Red. :D

Fighting with someone doesn't mean that you hate him , we talked and i found her so nice
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103

i know i said just my opinion
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Is really Marilyn manson a homo?
Replies: 28
Views: 5103


by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: New game:cities(try it)
Replies: 1116
Views: 120729

asc_26 wrote:^^^nice try RED. :lol:

But it didn't works :lol: :lol: :lol:
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Boxing
Replies: 83
Views: 18660

Chocoholic wrote:Pffff everyone knows women are better than men.

As you know women has the ability to control men :) i guess you know what i mean , the most are smart than men

Edit : The most not all of them :)
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: does one think women are "weaker" and "more e
Replies: 30
Views: 7746

Chocoholic wrote:Women can do without men, but certainly not the other way around. Men are slaves to women, and any guy that denies it, is in denial.

I don't think so 8)
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: does one think women are "weaker" and "more e
Replies: 30
Views: 7746

Erm I hate to ask this question, but why are you only recruiting Filipinos? I'm sure there are plenty of people of other nationalities whoa re qualified for your positions. This kind of blatant thing needs to stop. They will accept a very low salary that you'll never even think that it's a salary
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Wanted Filipinos- Job vacancies - Immediate posting!!!
Replies: 24
Views: 9763

:lol: :lol: :lol: can wait to the next time hurry hurry i wanna try again :oops:
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Boxing
Replies: 83
Views: 18660

Ok i'm waiting

by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Boxing
Replies: 83
Views: 18660

Phoenix wrote:The Peugeot ad was great. Anyways, check out this YT video for the track.

by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: For my fellow indians jeeves, constantine & st.lusifer
Replies: 40
Views: 3985

Erm I hate to ask this question, but why are you only recruiting Filipinos? I'm sure there are plenty of people of other nationalities whoa re qualified for your positions. This kind of blatant thing needs to stop. They will accept a very low salary that you'll never even think that it's a salary W...
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Wanted Filipinos- Job vacancies - Immediate posting!!!
Replies: 24
Views: 9763

You're generalising that the jobs are suited for filipinos because they accept low salaries. Some companies are recruiting certain nationality to match the working environment/culture of the company. Shall I list down more more reasons? 1.Office Assistant/ Asst. Administrator- Immediate Posting 2.E...
by redmatrice
Nov 27, 2006
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Wanted Filipinos- Job vacancies - Immediate posting!!!
Replies: 24
Views: 9763

You're generalising that the jobs are suited for filipinos because they accept low salaries. Some companies are recruiting certain nationality to match the working environment/culture of the company. Shall I list down more more reasons? 1.Office Assistant/ Asst. Administrator- Immediate Posting 2.E...
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Wanted Filipinos- Job vacancies - Immediate posting!!!
Replies: 24
Views: 9763

asc_26 wrote:It does! YOu're in morocco and we're in Dubai...get the difference? :wink:

i know that i'm still in morocco , but it doesn't mean that i don't know how dubai is and the jobs there
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Wanted Filipinos- Job vacancies - Immediate posting!!!
Replies: 24
Views: 9763

sorry i don't speak english !! :? :? :? No need to be sorry, just feel sorry for your self when travelling or surfing the net :wink: I was kidding , i'm not perfect in english but i can understand the meaning I said i don't speak english cus here in morocco when someone ask you or tell you somethin...
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Stock exchange versus Taiwan's Stock exchange
Replies: 24
Views: 4207

AVG Is the best and the simplest one , i like it , it doesn't takes alot of memory etc..
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: AntiVirus+ Anti-Spyware+Firewall
Replies: 11
Views: 3500

An Inconvenient Truth

I really liked this ( Dvd and what AL GORE said ) and i agreed with him
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: An Inconvenient Truth
Replies: 0
Views: 960

I have not been to Lebanon in about 15 years or so, so I have forgotten about the Lebanese women. I have seen many beautiful Lebanese women on Television and in Dubai. I assume though that Lebanon does not have as many working women for an average tourist or visitor that Morocco has :D Cus morocco ...
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai Stock exchange versus Taiwan's Stock exchange
Replies: 24
Views: 4207

sage & onion wrote:Nice one Red :lol:

sage ;) , i'm showing her that patience may kill
by redmatrice
Nov 28, 2006
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Boxing
Replies: 83
Views: 18660

by redmatrice
Nov 29, 2006
Forum: Dubai Games Lounge
Topic: New game:cities(try it)
Replies: 1116
Views: 120729

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