Your spin is weak ray and can't disguise the fact that those who share your hatred of Islam and Muslims You mean your stance is weak and can't address what I actually wrote. Do you want to address the vastly different reactions in the Muslim world to a YouTube video compared with the reaction to th...
"Free Speech", above anything else, must also be considered as a great privilege. Free speech is actually a right rather than a privilege in the civilized world. Hate wrapped in the guise of free speech, particularly with the intent to incite violence, such as the case under discussion, i...
Could you imagine another group of people in any Western nation rioting and attacking police officers and calling for the deaths of others over a YouTube film? What other people react this way? These protesters aren't people all from one cult but random, "ordinary" members of Australia's M...
Looks like yesterday at least eight protesters died in four nations attending violent YouTube protests. What a great idea if the West closed all her consulates and embassies in certain parts of the world and private citizens churned out "offensive" weekly YouTube videos to get these fanati...
I personally smiled when I heard what the Coptic women did, and I don't think they are misguided either. It certainly is amusing someone is attacked over a silly YouTube trailer. I somehow doubt the preachers of violence in the Muslim world are ever attacked. Thanks for inadvertently spotting this ...
The UN should read Benjamin Franklin sometime: He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. Muslim mobs should curtail their violence instead of Westerners curtailing their rights to free speech. Btw, how do you design a film to sow bloodshed? Let's think for a moment we're not dealing w...
Really? Because the video is still on YouTube and Google says the video does not break any of their rules and will remain up. Let's see if you'll address my last post: I somehow doubt the preachers of violence in the Muslim world are ever attacked. Thanks for inadvertently spotting this difference b...
And let's not forget the fact that they film makers are reported to have expected the violence! I can also expect violence from Muslims. That hardly makes me or the filmmaker clairvoyant. But anyway, thinking about a YouTube film that is within YouTube guidelines, how could a filmmaker possibly cre...
Actually, I'm saying you're using a bandwagon fallacy (not believing everyone is falling for one - what?) Your arguments are almost always fallacious as you're unable to think critically. I happen to agree with the 'extremist' Ben Franklin: He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither. Bu...
I wasn't aware that agreeing with all the normal people who are condemning the video for what it is constituted an 'argument' or amounted to a demonstration of, or lack of, critical thinking. Mischaracterization as well. Careful, someone might find a field mouse to replace you. (I imagine a field m...
This is something I pointed out yesterday: We see our resident religious fascist is more agitated by a YouTube video than attacks by his coreligionists that murder thousands - 5 days ago: Posted September 9th, 2012 at 6:45 pm (UTC-4) Insurgents in Iraq have carried out a wave of bombings and shootin...
There are other conflicts and other deaths around the world, but what makes it to the headlines is not necessarily the biggest injustices, or body counts We see our resident religious fascist is more agitated by a YouTube video than attacks by his coreligionists that murder thousands Iraq and Syria...
A longish post from HurryupHarry, a great website I've been reading. Interesting, the story that claimed the filmmaker was Israeli and funded by "100 Jewish donors" did not come out at the time of the first riots at embassies in Libya and Egypt (Arabic media was reporting the filmmaker was...
Someone once said Muslims invented the time machine. Well, when I read these stories about Muslims I feel I've been sent back to the 7th century. A Salafist cleric in Egypt is calling for the deaths of all those involved in the making of an anti-Muslim film that has outraged the Islamic world, SITE ...
(I thought I'd post this is as a bit of light relief from all the spam and hate-filled posts that seem to be all the rage these days. ) I think what our resident bigot means to say are all the threads he would be starting if they were about Jews and Christians. But apparently our resident bigot wan...
Don't expect global protests over this blatant act of Christianophobia. It's unfortunate more ink is spilled condemning a YouTube film than the violent actions over the past week. Several Christian leaders are being held in protective custody in Niger after demonstrators angry at an anti-Islam film ...
The Charlie Hebdo controversy is particularly interesting because they routinely mock Christianity and Judaism and that never causes a scandal; as the editor of C.H. says: The editor, Stephane Charbonnier, also known as Charb, rejected criticism. “We have the impression that it’s officially allowed ...
Here are more photos from the protests in Australia: http://re...
I'm guessing no one believed the headline. What are you, Islamophobes? Praying for the destruction of those you hate. Must be a bloodthirsty God if you think he would be fine with such a prayer. In th...
I wouldn't be surprised if there were some dog-haters out there who believe the dog was part of a world-wide canine conspiracy against humankind You mean something like this? But one would like to ask in this connection where does this division of the world's peoples into Evil and Good come from? T...
Latest incitement from Antisemitic protesters against the YouTube film. Now imagine the threads if they were EDL? And, as EoZ noted, after the Antisemitic incitement from the dozens in the mob, a Jewish grocery store was attacked, injuring four. From EoZ: From a Muslim rally in Paris earlier this we...
Instead of protesting violence and discrimination against their communities, Hindus and Christians protest a YouTube film and get shot for their trouble: Several armed men on motorbikes shot at Christian and Hindu demonstrators outside St. Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral in Hyderabad on September ...
A Jewish community center was bombed a few days ago. The following article discusses previous attacks against Jews in Malmo; their flight from the city; and the mayor's response to Antisemitism, which is mind numbing, to say the least: Sadly, just a few days after a march to demonstrate solidarity w...
Not to mention the "class" of people that post here. :roll: dubai-romance/looking-for-serious-people-only-t53856.html#p422456 We have some creepy long time members. Thankfully, they at least create a second account to start these threads. I guess Mauritius' strict conservative culture doe...