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Re: Nigeria Violence - Not A Religious Conflict - Archbishop

Your friends at LW claim the fighting in Myanmar is due to "Islamophobia" rather than tribal/ethnic tensions.

I trust you'll tell them they are wrong now - and that they are actually tribal attacks and economically motivated primarily.
by rayznack
Jul 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Nigeria Violence - Not a religious conflict - Archbishop
Replies: 22
Views: 2206

Re: Nigeria Violence - Not A Religious Conflict - Archbishop

Myanmar - what has that got to do with your bloggers deliberatly misrepresenting the Fulani attacks? You're not trying a whataboutery argument are you? Shows your inability to think using analogy. Anyway, we've established that your blogger friends do fall into the category: Then LW must fall into ...
by rayznack
Jul 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Nigeria Violence - Not a religious conflict - Archbishop
Replies: 22
Views: 2206

Re: Prayer in Islam

I thought the seven bones Muslims are to pray on (do I have that correct) was pretty interesting. Two feet bones Two knee bones Two hand bones One nose and skull bone http://home.comcast.net/~wnor/bonesofwrist&hand.jpg http://www.diku.dk/~erikdam/OA/html/KneeBoneCartilage.jpg http://media-1.web....
by rayznack
Jul 18, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Prayer in Islam
Replies: 11
Views: 4843

Timeline: Attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets abroad

Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a view that they are chosen people (not all Jews/Israelis are segregationist though). He rightly says that one of the earliest so...
by rayznack
Jul 20, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Timeline: Attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets abroad
Replies: 1
Views: 1150

Re: Alcohol: Dementia Risk

1/3 of all cancer diagnoses are said to be caused by smoking. Smoking is no doubt the biggest killer; far worse than alcohol. That is correct, very close to main reason. It is one of the main reason. And it doesn't use the word alcohol, it specifically says intoxicatants, so that covers any other su...
by rayznack
Jul 20, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Alcohol: Dementia Risk
Replies: 33
Views: 4203

Road accidents increase due to "Ramadan Fatigue"

For those not fasting this Ramadan, please be careful on the roads. Unfortunately, fasting and road safety are mutually exclusive. I would advise those not fasting to limit their time on the road to avoid the uptick in driving accidents during the holy month: Road safety charity the IAM is offering ...
by rayznack
Jul 21, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Road accidents increase due to "Ramadan Fatigue"
Replies: 4
Views: 1181

Re: War/violence Versus The Naked Human Body

My mind bled reading shafique's posts.

He goes on and on on topics he literally knows nothing what he's talking about.
by rayznack
Jul 23, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: War/violence versus the naked human body
Replies: 13
Views: 5345

The first generation and pefect preservation of the Koran?

We see in apologetic talking points from Muslims that the Koran has been perfectly preserved by Allah for all time. Despite the existence of numerous editions (up to 14 at the beginning of the 20th century) of the Koran containing verses with different wording and subtle differences in meaning, Musl...
by rayznack
Jul 23, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Koran?
Replies: 7
Views: 5699

Re: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Kora

No, the missing line has nothing to do with different pronunciations of the Koran (nor does that address the fact different editions of the Koran have different meanings in verses). And, when the Koran was compiled, Uthman relied on four Koran memorizers including the Muslim mentioned in this thread...
by rayznack
Jul 23, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Koran?
Replies: 7
Views: 5699

Re: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Kora

If you read the thread from 2008, you'll realise that 'Qirat' are indeed covered there. The issue of the earliest qiraat having an additional line or the "subtle differences in meaning" isn't covered in that thread. This thread is specifically about the earliest qiraats containing a line ...
by rayznack
Jul 23, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Koran?
Replies: 7
Views: 5699

Re: The First Generation And Pefect Preservation Of The Kora

Thanks, I guess your straw-men can't address this fact: In some Qira'ahs, like that of Ubayy ibn Ka'ab, occur also the words "and he is a father of them", which imply his spiritual relationship and connection with the words "and his wives are their mothers". [Abdullah Yusuf Ali, ...
by rayznack
Jul 23, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Koran?
Replies: 7
Views: 5699

Electronic Intifada co-founder: Burgas attack inside job?

This is the mindset of the anti-Israel community: irrational, fanatic, conspiratorial. Some dress their arguments up a bit but the fact is they are all cut from the same cloth. Ali Abunimah - contributor to ‘Comment is Free’ from 2006 to 2009, co-founder of Electronic Intifada and an anti-Zionist ac...
by rayznack
Jul 24, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Electronic Intifada co-founder: Burgas attack inside job?
Replies: 0
Views: 978

14yo in Burka buying alcohol

I don't think the implication from this story will go over well with the official Leftist narrative of Western society. Interesting to note, the article mentions others wearing motorcycle helmets and Halloween masks were asked to uncover their faces and show ID when buying alcohol. The journalist se...
by rayznack
Jul 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 14yo in Burka buying alcohol
Replies: 2
Views: 1406

Re: Timeline: Attacks On Jewish And Israeli Targets Abroad

Not to mention Muhammed Merah's killing of Jewish schoolchildren is not on the list- absolutely sickening (what is with attacks against schools: Beslan, Israel, France etc. - even the worst people don't cross this line). is the involvement of Muslims in the slaughtering of Jews Interesting how this ...
by rayznack
Jul 27, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Timeline: Attacks on Jewish and Israeli targets abroad
Replies: 1
Views: 1150

Re: Forced Conversions In Gaza?: Never Happened

Hamas TV? Reminds of how Shalit was interviewed with armed men in the background, while he said how well he was treated. It's quite cynical that loonwatch dares to say Hamas guarantees freedom of religion. Everybody knows Hamas' policy towards apostates. Not only that, but it's interesting the Anti...
by rayznack
Jul 29, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Forced Conversions in Gaza?: Never Happened
Replies: 3
Views: 1336

Re: "Should XYZZ be in Government?"

These people consistently promote the what everyone “knows” lies about Islam and Muslims. They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Muslims or all of Islam . When they are caught in the act of making up or distorting claims they engage in devious methods to attempt to conceal the evidenc...
by rayznack
Jul 30, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Should XYZZ be in Government?"
Replies: 7
Views: 1218

Re: Time To 'unban' BM...

The mistake was she wasn't banned soon enough and was allowed stay around to contaminate the place. The forum has been around since 2005 and it was arrival of your beloved that destroyed it. Not the other way around. Instead of vulgar display of BM fanboi-ery maybe you should ask your cherished one...
by rayznack
Jul 30, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Time to 'unban' BM...
Replies: 43
Views: 4438

Re: "Should XYZZ be in Government?"

They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Muslims or all of Islam . When they are caught in the act of making up or distorting claims they engage in devious methods to attempt to conceal the evidence . Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish sc...
by rayznack
Jul 31, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Should XYZZ be in Government?"
Replies: 7
Views: 1218

Mali couple gets really stoned

A couple who had s.ex outside marriage has been stoned to death at the weekend by Islamists in the town of Aguelhok in northern Mali, officials say. The man and woman were buried up to their necks, then pelted with stones until they died. [...] The Islamists in Aguelhok stoned the couple to death i...
by rayznack
Jul 31, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Mali couple gets really stoned
Replies: 0
Views: 756

Re: "Should XYZZ Be In Government?"

shafique wrote:I'm not going to There is a God. Apparently someone is "justifying Islamophobia". Where? How? I like how shafique can't articulate how his statements aren't Antisemitic. It's like his views on the Koran. He's unable to formulate an adequate argument a 3rd grader could make.
by rayznack
Jul 31, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Should XYZZ be in Government?"
Replies: 7
Views: 1218

Brits kidnap European journalists in Syria

No one seems terribly surprised allegedly British citizens were part of a group that kidnapped a fellow British national and Dutch citizen. A Dutch and British photojournalist who were kidnapped in Syria by Islamist militants have been freed by members of the Free Syrian Army after a harrowing ordea...
by rayznack
Jul 31, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brits kidnap European journalists in Syria
Replies: 0
Views: 963

Re: Time To 'unban' BM...

While you're on I wonder if you'd like to explain why BM, FD, EH and Herve were banned? It wasn't you and Kanelli trying to reclaim your forum was it? Weren't unsubstantiated claims of "Islamophobia" enough? It wasn't like kanelli could ever show the members she campaigned against had bro...
by rayznack
Aug 01, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Time to 'unban' BM...
Replies: 43
Views: 4438

Re: The First Generation And Pefect Preservation Of The Kora

shafique wrote:The variant readings/Quirat do not change the meaning of the Quran at all. A simple Google dispels this myth. Absurd really, trusting Google with your faith. :-) Is Google your G.O.D.? :blackeye: LoL, apparently so. What's interesting is that both early Muslims and historians/scholar...
by rayznack
Aug 01, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The first generation and pefect preservation of the Koran?
Replies: 7
Views: 5699

Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed

Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia Unleashed


We have yet to determine if Page mistook Sikhs for Muslims

So, there's nothing to justify the title of this article, basically?

Two words do come to mind:

Sick opportunists.
by rayznack
Aug 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed
Replies: 12
Views: 2116

Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed

Anders Breivik, the anti-Muslim, Norwegian murderer who killed 77 people last year, left behind a 1,500-page manifesto frequently citing the writings and ideology of the American Islamophobia network. Actually, Anders' "manifesto portion mentioning others was lifted from someone else. So, he h...
by rayznack
Aug 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed
Replies: 12
Views: 2116

Antisemitism unleashed - "People Thirst for Jews' Blood"

*** Antisemitism unleashed (but don't expect the usual suspects to start a thread about this incident) *** This sick quote is from cleric Salah Sultan, founder of a mosque in Ohio that Christian convert Rifqa Barry attended. She claimed the mosque preached extremism and was predictably character ass...
by rayznack
Aug 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Antisemitism unleashed - "People Thirst for Jews' Blood"
Replies: 0
Views: 1236

Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed

Perhaps it is time we turn the tables and expose the enablers and disseminators of divisive, fear-mongering rhetoric that has no place in today's fragile and racially sensitive environment. Let Bachmann and company enjoy their short term profit in the dustbins of history, seated next to ideological...
by rayznack
Aug 10, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed
Replies: 12
Views: 2116

Kosovo Catholics practice faith openly

Since Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, Kosovo residents who were openly Muslim have since revealed they are actually Catholic. The practice of being a crypto-Catholic has existed for many centuries, beginning when the Ottomans militarily conquered the region and imposed heavier taxe...
by rayznack
Aug 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Kosovo Catholics practice faith openly
Replies: 19
Views: 2551

Re: Kosovo Catholics practice faith openly

This shows that the choice to be Catholic or Muslim was exercised freely under the Ottomans: No, it actually doesn't if you bothered to fully read your link instead of making conclusions on a topic you know nothing about: There were widespread, though unconfirmed, rumours that President Ibrahim Rug...
by rayznack
Aug 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Kosovo Catholics practice faith openly
Replies: 19
Views: 2551

17 cops injured during violent rioting in France...

People have to keep themselves busy during this month, but surely.... Months of tension between police and young people in a troubled district of northern France exploded on Tuesday, with dozens of youths facing off against riot officers in a night of violence. Seventeen officers were injured, a pre...
by rayznack
Aug 15, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 17 cops injured during violent rioting in France...
Replies: 0
Views: 1022

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