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Re: Bigot blames drug trade on Judaism!

I'm sure Texe Marrs shares your beliefs on Jews/Judaism: He rightly says that one of the earliest sources of segregationism in the area (note that the article is about Palestine) is from the Jewish doctrine that divides humanity. After all, you share the Nazi belief on Judaism and claim Judaism is s...
by rayznack
Jul 01, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Bigot blames drug trade on Judaism!
Replies: 12
Views: 1788

Re: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism?

Thank you for your view, admitted info-miner. Maybe you can ask shafique when he changed his views on Judaism - previously claiming Judaism is inherently segregationist and generalizing the views of some Jews on to Judaism. http://www.dubaiforums.com/dubai-politics-talk/islamophobe-and-judeophobe-t5...
by rayznack
Jul 01, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: For 'rayznak': Supporting Terrorism?
Replies: 7
Views: 1514

19 Christians murdered in double church attacks - Kenya

Let's see, deadly church attacks in Pakistan, Indonesia, Iraq, Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya. This is all seems to be part of a bigger problem. But let's not analyze the situation too much. Wouldn't want anyone to get branded a hate monger for speaking out against hate. "The goons were clad in balaclav...
by rayznack
Jul 01, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 19 Christians murdered in double church attacks - Kenya
Replies: 4
Views: 1157

Mayor Bloomberg Opposes Morsi's Call To Release Blind Sheik

Looks like we're seeing the real Muhammed Morsi. NEW YORK -- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg says he opposes comments made by Egypt's first Islamist and civilian president-elect about releasing a terrorism convict. Mohammed Morsi told a crowd in Cairo's Tahrir Square he'd work for the release ...
by rayznack
Jul 01, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Mayor Bloomberg Opposes Morsi's Call To Release Blind Sheik
Replies: 0
Views: 1044

Re: 19 Christians Murdered In Double Church Attacks - Kenya

Yes, that would have been surprising for me to quote that since it's from a different article on a completely different website. and talks about Africans eating each other..! Would it have been better to say cannibalism is an African man's disease? That sounds pretty racist to me; but let's remember...
by rayznack
Jul 01, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 19 Christians murdered in double church attacks - Kenya
Replies: 4
Views: 1157

Re: Holocaust: "Greatest Crime In History"

The bar for fanatics is set pretty low.

Is it any wonder then the extremists have a hegemony on the forum just as they do in the Muslim world?
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Holocaust: "Greatest Crime in History"
Replies: 13
Views: 1597

Re: Holocaust: "Greatest Crime in History"

Isn't a loon someone who ignores countervailing facts? In this case, we have a loon ignoring the actual speeches of high ranking Hamas officials in front of their supporters denying the Holocaust, a program on Holocaust denial run on Hamas's television channel, Hamas refusing to allow UN sponsored s...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Holocaust: "Greatest Crime in History"
Replies: 13
Views: 1597

Re: Holocaust: "Greatest Crime in History"

Why not just accept that the PA ambassador is exposing your myths as nothing more than Islamophobic fantasies based on Memri snippets and misinformation. Nice straw-man fallacy. 1) Where did I mention the PA or the PA ambassador in my previous post? 2) Where did I not "accept" the PA amba...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Holocaust: "Greatest Crime in History"
Replies: 13
Views: 1597

Re: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About

The destruction of East Prussia is covered by any good documentary on WWII. "World at War" and "World War II in Color" both have episodes on the Soviet Union's advance on Prussia and the Germans fleeing to allied lines. I wouldn't confuse "atrocities being hushed up by the a...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About
Replies: 36
Views: 6283

Shooting two nightclub goers

Did anyone see a thread here on the news of a French citizen shooting two nightclub goers yesterday, and then fleeing the scene with an accomplice? I looked for a thread on the subject here, but couldn't see it. I would have thought our resident Euro-basher poster would have posted about this. I won...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Shooting two nightclub goers
Replies: 0
Views: 911

Re: Shooting Of Soldier In US

I like how desertdudeshj mentions the word troll like he isn't one himself. I've failed to find more than a handful of posts that don't consist of insults or whiny one liners. He should at least take some ESL classes. There are many, many crimes that go unhighlighted, but only a few are hyped by the...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Shooting of soldier in US
Replies: 8
Views: 1393

Re: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About

Historically, and statistically speaking, anti-Semitism has its roots in Europe over the millenia. Some trace the roots back to the Bible and the anti-Semitic views in there, others say this was an excuse for economic jealousy.. but in explaining/understanding the historic anti-semitism one should ...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About
Replies: 36
Views: 6283

Re: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About

Indeed, the reason for hating Jews for being "chosen people" goes back to at least Tzarist times - the Protocols of the Elders of Zion uses this reason to get people to hate Jews. In fact, the Koran teaches the same libel against Judaism as Russian Tzars centuries later. Perhaps this expla...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The European Atrocity You Never Heard About
Replies: 36
Views: 6283

Which Koran was the one first written?

I've come to learn that historically there have been different Korans. By different, these Korans have retained the same meaning in their passages but are not literally, word-for-word, identical. If the Korans are not exactly the same, then I wonder which Koran, if any, was the one angel Gabriel dic...
by rayznack
Jul 02, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Which Koran was the one first written?
Replies: 13
Views: 5154

Re: Which Koran Was The One First Written?

What confuses some people is that there are different ways in pronouncing the same Arabic word - i.e. different dialects of Arabic will have different pronunciations. This produced different 'Quirat' or ways of pronouncing the Quran - however in all the words are the same (in meaning). The author d...
by rayznack
Jul 03, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Which Koran was the one first written?
Replies: 13
Views: 5154

Re: When Was The First Pogrom?

Perhaps this explains why the first major pogrom against Jews in Europe occurred in Andalusia? The first major pogrom against European Jews occurred in Andalusia, as I said: In the 1066 Granada massacre, the first large pogrom on European soil, a Muslim mob crucified the Jewish vizier Joseph ibn Na...
by rayznack
Jul 03, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: When was the first Pogrom?
Replies: 2
Views: 1443

Re: Which Koran Was The One First Written?

Quite the mental gymnastics: "Allah promises his Koran will never be altered...but...but...but he doesn't actually mean the written Koran!" I'm impressed. The responses acknowledge, just as the scholar I quoted says, the written Koran has many versions with actual differences in wording an...
by rayznack
Jul 03, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Which Koran was the one first written?
Replies: 13
Views: 5154

Re: Which Koran was the one first written?

Note my question has not been asked in the thread you're linking.

I have specifically asked about the written Koran; but since you say you've agreed with the responses, I suppose we can both agree the written Koran has not been perfectly preserved.
by rayznack
Jul 03, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Which Koran was the one first written?
Replies: 13
Views: 5154

Re: Which Koran Was The One First Written?

Let's start with the promise Allah makes in the Koran and test it with what we know about the differences between the written Korans to see if it has been fulfilled.
by rayznack
Jul 03, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Which Koran was the one first written?
Replies: 13
Views: 5154

Re: Which Koran Was The One First Written?

Really? I think you have not dealth with the written Koran. There are differences not only in word usage but "subtle differences in meaning". Did Allah prevent millions upon millions of Muslims from reading and believing in these differences their entire lives? How many have memorized one ...
by rayznack
Jul 03, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Which Koran was the one first written?
Replies: 13
Views: 5154

Re: Britishness - Some Facts

The article doesn't seem to give a working definition of what being "British" actually entails. So, let's test the article's finding. 74% of the general British public hold favorable views on Jews; while only 32% of an unnamed minority share these feelings. 59% of the general public blame ...
by rayznack
Jul 04, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - Some Facts

Pakistanis scored the highest with an average of 7.76 - despite common presumptions that they associate more strongly with their own national identity than to where they are living now. Pakistanis (and others) associate more strongly with their religion than their country. 81% of British Muslims id...
by rayznack
Jul 04, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - some facts

Surely the question should be why Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Indian descended Britons are ahead of the white Britons? It's a good question why 81% identify with religious affiliation first and being British second. It would look like they are way ahead of white Britons who see themselves as British...
by rayznack
Jul 04, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - some facts

The one using red herrings should look in the mirror to see a troll.

Empty rhetoric isn't fooling anyone. Better luck next time. In the future, just make it clear you don't want opposing facts and viewpoints; and that your thread is for propagandist purposes only.
by rayznack
Jul 04, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - Some Facts

As usual, you ignore countervailing evidence and dismiss critics of your flimsy fantasies as "xenophobes". To actually admit there are rational objections regarding this topic means you'd have to do more than name call and put your head in the sand when confronted with opposing facts and ...
by rayznack
Jul 05, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - some facts

It rightly says that the findings challenge the misconceptions about British Pakistanis not willing to integrate etc. EDL members that have made the news are numpties, and EDL policies are just peddling old racist tropes that can easily be dismissed by just simple logic. You seem like a very confus...
by rayznack
Jul 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - some facts

Muslims are the most likely of all groups to identify with the concept of "Britishness" rubbish suggestions that ethnic groups are unwilling or unable to integrate into British society and show that fears over the negative impacts of immigration on cultural identity are considerably overs...
by rayznack
Jul 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - some facts

The prisons of Britain are indeed full of British criminals - but this does is not what the survey was about. Indeed, 12% are Muslim from what I gather; which is far higher than their general population. I can refer you to the statistics about actual terrorist plots and how over 90% are by non-Musl...
by rayznack
Jul 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Britishness - some facts

blah...blah...blah... No, you can't address 91% of terrorists imprisoned in the UK are Muslim, 12% of UK prisoners are Muslim or the half dozen surveys you'd rather ignore. Btw, you need to look up the word "prejudice"..I'll give you a hint, it means to prejudge. My arguments are based on...
by rayznack
Jul 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5439

Re: Why do they hate us?

If you read the link given by eh - you'll see that he highlights the fact that Arab women came out strongly against the article for its stereotyping and hyperbole about all Arab men: The troll who can't be bothered to address the refutation of the article I posted. And, of course, the author himsel...
by rayznack
Aug 13, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why do they hate us?
Replies: 57
Views: 6478

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