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Please stop praying for destruction of Jews and Christians

The Saudi ministry of Islamic affairs has recently requested imams to stop praying for the destruction of Jews and Christians at Friday services... Elderofziyon: According to numerous Arab websites (including UPI Arabic), the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs sent out an alert to mosque imams not to...
by rayznack
Aug 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Please stop praying for destruction of Jews and Christians
Replies: 0
Views: 1478

19 Nigerian Christians "destroyed" at church service

After posting the story of Saudi imams praying for the destruction of Jews and Christians, it looks like some have gotten their prayers answered: http://www.dubaiforums.com/dubai-politics-talk/please-stop-praying-for-destruction-jews-and-christians-t51857.html At least 19 people have been killed in ...
by rayznack
Aug 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 19 Nigerian Christians "destroyed" at church service
Replies: 0
Views: 1378

Re: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed

According to numerous Arab websites (including UPI Arabic), the Saudi Ministry of Islamic Affairs sent out an alert to mosque imams not to pray for the destruction of Jews and Christians in their Friday sermons, noting that the "correct" prayers should be against "aggressors" on...
by rayznack
Aug 09, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Wade Michael Page: Islamophobia unleashed
Replies: 12
Views: 2162

Re: Is The Koran Misogynist?

No, God's commandments about women in the Quran aren't misogynistic. I don't know if you've ever gone to school or not, but an explanation containing more than a circular argument is required if you want to justify your belief. How is enslaving female war captives and owning them as s.ex slaves not...
by rayznack
Aug 13, 2012
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Is the Koran misogynist?
Replies: 19
Views: 9867

Re: An Inspiring Story

"I spent over 90% of my money on gambling, women and drink. The rest I wasted." - George Best

Hopefully he didn't waste his.
by rayznack
Sep 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: An Inspiring Story
Replies: 5
Views: 1831

Re: War Propaganda Exposed Part 1 Mass Media Warmongering...

Brigadier General Gholamreza Jalali In August 2012, Brigadier General Gholam Reza Jalali, who heads Iran's Passive Defense Organization, said ahead of Al-Quds Day that Israel must be destroyed, saying, "[Al-Quds Day] is a reflection of the fact that no other way exists apart from resolve and s...
by rayznack
Nov 17, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: War Propaganda Exposed Part 1 Mass Media Warmongering...
Replies: 4
Views: 2648

Re: Hateful Hype Vs Reasoned Discussion

I couldnt agree with you more, I tend to come here every once in a while and I noticed that its full of anti islamic posts from random europians. although some posts are really subjective and can be prolonged because of the variation in opinions , yet some posters cant hide thier bias approaches or...
by rayznack
Nov 17, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hateful hype vs Reasoned discussion
Replies: 6
Views: 3384

Hamas - firing rockets from civilian areas

I checked today, but I haven't seen any condemnation or even acknowledgement of Hamas launching rockets at Israel from populated areas. Some even seem to think Israel carries the responsibility of protecting Gaza residents Hamas endangers over their own citizens (bombing rocket batteries = protectin...
by rayznack
Nov 25, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas - firing rockets from civilian areas
Replies: 1
Views: 2653

Truth vs Islamophobic cottage industry

Earlier this year, a Californian Iraqi woman was killed with a note saying she died because she was a 'terrorist'. Spin websites and paid thugs immediately blamed activists, such as Robert Spencer: http://www.jihadwatch.org/images/Aslanthreat.jpg Now it turns out police have arrested the husband in ...
by rayznack
Nov 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Truth vs Islamophobic cottage industry
Replies: 0
Views: 2638

Re: Finns: Cross-dressing Is Provoking Us

This should be interesting. I wonder how the LGBT community and Leftists around the world are going to react.

They were happy to sacrifice free speech, but cross dressing?

Remember what Ben Franklin said:

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.
by rayznack
Nov 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Finns: cross-dressing is provoking us
Replies: 3
Views: 3169

Re: Fatwa On Gaza Ceasefire

the Israelis blamed the victims

I thought anyone with intelligence greater than a rock blamed Hamas?

Or perhaps you see Hamas as victims and not Palestinian civilians implied in your post?

Btw, did DDS send you this link, too? :D
by rayznack
Nov 26, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Fatwa on Gaza Ceasefire
Replies: 2
Views: 3108


The Jew hating continues even in your absence (shouldn't you be proud): I couldnt agree more with the Man in the video, the jews need to come out of Palastine and Jurisulum as its not a Jew land. and they need to be slaughtered cause they are slaying the Palastinians on daily bases. BMreformed , the...
by rayznack
Dec 15, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: DF RIP
Replies: 4
Views: 2086

Re: Testo Roll??

I heard 'testo' weakens the immune system and since the immune system does everything from prevent cancer to slowing aging I can't imagine high levels of testosterone would necessarily be good (though testosterone might fight dementia?). As you know, giving 50+ year women estrogen to stop/prevent os...
by rayznack
Feb 10, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Testo Roll??
Replies: 16
Views: 3524

Re: Margaret Thatcher

What happened to the mining and rail industry under her?

I believe she privatized rail, which, in theory, was a good idea.

But what about mining? Did she end/cut subsidies?
by rayznack
Apr 11, 2013
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Margaret Thatcher
Replies: 8
Views: 2008

Denmark immigration restrictions save billions...

The impending apocalypse for the Nordic nation has been pushed back. Denmark's only saviors are the vilified 'right'. Hopefully, the rot of liberalism will be harpooned so Denmark and Europe can save itself: Denmark's strict immigration laws have saved the country 6.7 billion euros, a government rep...
by rayznack
May 04, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Denmark immigration restrictions save billions...
Replies: 0
Views: 2754

Re: Brussels Shooter Arrested

Thanks, FD. There's a lot of hate in the region - two men were assaulted by two others with brass knuckles after leaving a synagogue in France.

We're seeing the same trend as with previous attacks against Jews around the world.

I wonder why the usual denial?
by rayznack
Jun 04, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brussels shooter arrested
Replies: 5
Views: 3943

Re: Brussels Shooter Arrested

FlyingDutchman ,have there been instances outside the internet of 'youth' celebration of the attack as there were for other faith based attacks by this wonderful community?
by rayznack
Jun 07, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brussels shooter arrested
Replies: 5
Views: 3943

7/7 memorial vandalized hours before commemoration

When are real Brits going to wake up and kick the politicians and fifth columnists out of their country? The memorial commemorating the victims of the July 7 bombings on London has been defaced just hours before survivors and bereaved families gather to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attac...
by rayznack
Jul 08, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 7/7 memorial vandalized hours before commemoration
Replies: 0
Views: 2644

Ramadan rage: Crime spike during 'holy' month

The holy month brings out the worst in devotees: One of the most expansive studies of this annual crime wave in Algeria revealed petty crime increased by a staggering 220 percent during Ramadan. Fights, disputes and assaults rose by 320 percent and instances of women and children being beaten at hom...
by rayznack
Jul 08, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Ramadan rage: Crime spike during 'holy' month
Replies: 0
Views: 2825

Briton vows to become first female to behead Westerners...

Curbing immigration won't be enough; real Brits will continue to suffer from this backward ideology. British woman vows to become first female to behead western prisoner in Syria Khadijah Dare took to Twitter to celebrate the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley A female jihadist from...
by rayznack
Aug 22, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Briton vows to become first female to behead Westerners...
Replies: 2
Views: 3078

There was a master race; now there's a master faith

“Netanyahu: ‘We’ve Seen This Before. There’s a Master Race; Now There’s a Master Faith,’” by Lauretta Brown, CNSNews.com, September 16, 2014: (CNSNews.com) – In a speech on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu compared Islamist terrorist groups such as ISIS,...
by rayznack
Sep 18, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: There was a master race; now there's a master faith
Replies: 9
Views: 3859

Re: There Was A Master Race; Now There's A Master Faith

How would condemning barbaric ideology of terror groups generate hatred between Muslims and non-Muslims?
by rayznack
Sep 20, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: There was a master race; now there's a master faith
Replies: 9
Views: 3859

Re: There Was A Master Race; Now There's A Master Faith

Not sure. But I am curious if, per the previous poster's brilliant logic, pointing out Germany subscribed to a master race means observation generates hate between Northern Europeans and non-Northern Europeans.
by rayznack
Sep 23, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: There was a master race; now there's a master faith
Replies: 9
Views: 3859

Re: United Kaliphate: Parents Thrown Off Bus For Song About

Andyba , no, I don't exactly think this incident would have happened if liberal politicians and multi-culturalists hadn't been implementing various policies for the last thirty years. From the bus driver's servility for fear of job dismissal and possible prosecution for 'racism' to an ethno-centric...
by rayznack
Oct 08, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: United Kaliphate: Parents thrown off bus for song about pig
Replies: 2
Views: 3269

Re: Why Are Arab Countries So Silent On The Palestine Issue?

What do you want them to say? Didn't the West Bank belong to Jordan?
by rayznack
Nov 09, 2014
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why are Arab countries so silent on the Palestine issue?
Replies: 2
Views: 3732

Re: Swede Assaulted After Wearing Kippah To Test Attitudes..

justcurious , I guess it speaks volumes when we're neither surprised about the incident or the lack of outrage. We've had too many hate enablers run interference regarding religious extremism in Northern Europe and the rape gangs in Britain for too long. I guess they can afford silence because they...
by rayznack
Feb 02, 2015
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Swede assaulted after wearing kippah to test attitudes...
Replies: 2
Views: 2939

Danish shooter honored by 'Danes' with flowers...

It's difficult to believe how this wouldn't cause complete outrage if any other community spontaneously began honoring a terrorist who killed people in the same nation in which he was living. This is a toxic threat growing in many European societies. No one has an answer to the issue and, worse, it'...
by rayznack
Feb 17, 2015
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Danish shooter honored by 'Danes' with flowers...
Replies: 0
Views: 2384

10 hours walking as a Jew in Paris

With the recent deadly Antisemitic attacks in Paris by devout adherents to the religion of peace, we a Jewish filmmaker walk the streets as a Jew to record the reaction he gets. The filmmaker is clear in a Channel 4 interview that the harassment he received was at the hands of Muslims - that he was ...
by rayznack
Feb 20, 2015
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 10 hours walking as a Jew in Paris
Replies: 1
Views: 3155

"Brit" raising funds for 'Jihad John' butcher

It seems some in Britain are keen to financially support one of their own: the infamous Islamic State butcher notorious for beheading Western journalists and aid workers has sympathizers in Britain. But why's that surprising? It's not as if Britain hasn't turned out numerous other like-minded fanati...
by rayznack
Mar 10, 2015
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Brit" raising funds for 'Jihad John' butcher
Replies: 0
Views: 2855

Only 25% of British Muslims support killing over cartoon

Yeeh haw. 62% of British Muslims oppose a massacre of cartonnists and editors over pictures. Goes to show the vast majority of British Muslims are opposed to extremism... But 27% of the 1,000 Muslims polled by ComRes said they had some sympathy for the motives behind the Paris attacks. Almost 80% sa...
by rayznack
Mar 11, 2015
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Only 25% of British Muslims support killing over cartoon
Replies: 0
Views: 2904

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