my computer must have been on silent... i saw the writing in arabic and it didn t cross my humble female mind to check the rest...
thanx anyway
the_zooter wrote:Liban wrote:OK thx.
In return Liban (or anyone), can I ask a question?
In my ignorance ( ), I don't know why you don't eat the pig. What is the reason for that?
the_zooter wrote:Liban wrote:This is in the wrong forum.
I completely agree - and have already said that!!
HP wrote:the_zooter wrote:Liban wrote:OK thx.
In return Liban (or anyone), can I ask a question?
In my ignorance ( ), I don't know why you don't eat the pig. What is the reason for that?
Because it looks like Dubai Knight , we have respect for our uncle
HP wrote:raidah wrote:aaaaaaawwwww
all guys from denmark r tall, dark(expecially dark ) and handsome
now u had ur share of glory for today, get me in the fight club!!
first give me a kiss
HP wrote:raidah wrote:from ur answer, ur not aware of the arab kiss
much better, ur soul an mental sanity is at safe
i never kissed
HP wrote:How can ya girls believe that i really lover her ?
Zapata wrote:Nope. Im a macho revolucionario.
VIVA la revolucion! VIVA!