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Business Partner Needed to Expand in Gulf.

Dear Friends, We provide Teleradiology consultations (CT scan & MRI Scan reports) to the Hospitals and Diagnostic centers by team of Radiologist based Mumbai, India. We are looking someone based in UAE to be our partner, who can generate clients by visiting Imaging centers and hospitals. We will...
by radioreads
Apr 17, 2014
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Business Partner Needed to Expand in Gulf.
Replies: 0
Views: 1041

Re: Investor - Looking For Partnership

hmdmtr , We provide Teleradiology consultations (CT scan & MRI Scan reports) to the Hospitals and Diagnostic centers by team of Radiologist based Mumbai, India. We are looking someone based in UAE to be our partner, who can generate clients by visiting Imaging centers and hospitals. We will pro...
by radioreads
Apr 17, 2014
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Investor - Looking for Partnership
Replies: 61
Views: 27764

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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