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Dim Mak the Ancient Chinese Art of Death point Seminar

WTBA Masters Degree Leigh Evans coming from Wales to host a 2 day seminar teaching Dimmak the ancient death point striking art and Fajing the explosive striking power. private Taichi and Dimmak lessons are available on advanced booking WTBA Masters Degree Leigh video with Eli Montague the head of th...
by qikwak
Feb 05, 2015
Forum: Teaching Services in Dubai
Topic: Dim Mak the Ancient Chinese Art of Death point Seminar
Replies: 0
Views: 1165

Tai Chi -Chi gong sessions

I am an instructor under the World Taiji Boxing Association ( UK) studied under Erle and Eli Montaigue Master Degree China,  have also trained under Nasser Butt Senior Instructor and the North England Representative for the World Taiji Boxing Association . Our style is Wu-Dang Boxing consisting of T...
by qikwak
Feb 05, 2015
Forum: Teaching Services in Dubai
Topic: Tai Chi -Chi gong sessions
Replies: 0
Views: 1308

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