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Planning to move to Dubai soon,need advice

Dear All,Please help!!!!! I want to know the update cost of living ie: 1.food in average per day ( vegetarian : veggie, eggs, rice,noodles, milk with fish) 2.Public Transportation service : cost and how easy to go by public Trans, by how? 3.I have small dog and I want to carry from Thailand, anyone ...
by puppyLove
Apr 01, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Planning to move to Dubai soon,need advice
Replies: 10
Views: 4407

Re: Moving To Dubai - Please Advise

desertdudeshj wrote:Hor Al Anz.

Do you know which area could I stay with my dog safely and nicely not too expensive but neighbour (not scream about dog issue?) I am planning to move to dubai and bring my senior dog. Big thanks!!! :bounce:
by puppyLove
Apr 01, 2011
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Moving to Dubai - please advise
Replies: 10
Views: 4278

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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