pravin - Posts

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Re: Teenage Girl Arrested For Burning Koran

If teenage girl burnt Koran we should not give him any punishment. I think she didn't know that it is sin to burn the holy book of Muslim religion.
by pravin
Apr 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Teenage girl arrested for burning Koran
Replies: 36
Views: 4268

Re: Manslator !!!!

Baby, you're gorgeous. Even when I'm not with you, the mere thought of your beautiful face takes my breath away. HEY, HEY! DID YOU LIKE THAT ONE?! :lol: :bounce:
by pravin
Apr 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Manslator !!!!
Replies: 4
Views: 4140

Re: is there anyone who wants to learn Chinese language?

No, I am not interested there is many reasons
1. It is so difficult to learn.
2. Chinies language is not in my use.
3. I hate Chine and Chinies
by pravin
Apr 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: is there anyone who wants to learn Chinese language?
Replies: 8
Views: 4293


If i will get a chance to do job in Dubai. I am ready to do job in Dubai. :bounce:

by pravin
Apr 21, 2011
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Replies: 1
Views: 1794

Re: Ford Mustang Convertible 2007

It is a nice car. It is for sale anyone want to buy it .

by pravin
Apr 21, 2011
Forum: Cars For Sale in Dubai
Topic: Ford Mustang Convertible 2007
Replies: 3
Views: 4207

Why are there SEVEN Dwarfs in Snowhite?

Is there a significance beyond that number? Why not THREE or TWO or TEN or even just ONE? :bom:

by pravin
Apr 21, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Why are there SEVEN Dwarfs in Snowhite?
Replies: 1
Views: 1161

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