read this you my get a chance to find the romanian girl of your drim bil and how is this related to anything? well if bil can put an advertisement with gulfnews on the front page at the time of this posting, there is a chance that lady will read i...
speedy must have been dehydrated, he stayed to long on the son though and grandma there took the oppurtunity to cut him off while speedy is halucinating on a mirage on the desert
^^^ Cool down chief, just think of choc as on of those grumpy old high school teacher, who terrorizes all his student. Always let you stand in the corner till classes ends.
We use topwater for cooking and bottled water for drinking a better balance dont you think.
Thumbs Up :salute: Well guess those who use bottled water for cooking are plentiful while we are just smarter...hehehe Only difference between the bottled water and tapwater is salinity including bacteria level. The best of it is in Tapwater the higher the bacterial the better the imunity. Big chanc...
The answer to you problem is when you ever get to the shop where she work, just say hi, start a friendly conversation and dont rush, take it a step at a time eventually you'll get to know here better.
The consequences of being frank is it could either be a turn on or a turn off.
Mis, You've said something about TIME there that I have always disagreed with Mathematically and logically. You have called 12 NOON .....12 PM, then called 7 in the evening 7PM . How can that be logical ? 12 NOON MUST be 12 AM , because the hour before it is 11 AM and the hour after it is 1 PM and ...
Portland Computer Solutions is committed to bringing you a consistently high level of service, and the highest level of customer service. Our Services are fast, affordable solutions designed with small and mid size businesses in mind, as well as residential clients in Dubai. Services and Solutions •...
Promotional offer get up to 10% Discount with your next IT Purchase on Parts, Accessories and Units!!! Promo Valid Until February 28, 2010 OUR SERVICES We provide: - IT strategy consultancy - Hardware procurement - Custom built computer systems - Computer repair, upgrades & migration - Disaster...
i am a chinese single man, I really love the white woman. There are often a few foreign female students wandering around street, Whenever I see these white women, I am very excited. White women are very sexy, very beautiful. Especially, big eye, blue eye, high mamma.... Walking style, such as horse...