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alisonwhite wrote:KL a shopping paradise...!!!

That's why girs are crazy for KL!! :albino:
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: Dubai vs Kuala lumpur
Replies: 20
Views: 19035


Raya wrote:I travel because i want to,

1) meet new people
2) eat different food
3) see other culture
4) see other nature
5) shop
6) forget all my worries

The same. Up!
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: why do you travel?
Replies: 45
Views: 27902

Re: how is your mood tonight ?

exciting bcz Im gonna meet my BF tonight :mrgreen:
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: how is your mood tonight ?
Replies: 194
Views: 26277

Re: Japanese Cartoon

Yup, I like Japaness cartoon.Japanese cartoon industry is famous all over the world. What impresses me most is the vivid and lovely figure and chick interfaces of their cartoons. Awesome!
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Japanese cartoon
Replies: 8
Views: 3174

Re: Favorite Movies

Forrest Gump 8)
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Movies and Music Talk
Topic: Favorite Movies
Replies: 86
Views: 36168

Re: Google Adwords: Cheap Traffic?

Thanks for the article, traffic stream is something I am looking into at the moment and need as much solid information as I can get!
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Google Adwords: Cheap Traffic?
Replies: 1
Views: 1436

Re: Choose Ed Hardy Clothing

Yup, I agree with you that ed hardy clothing has receiving great popularity from the public. More and more people get to know this brand and are into this brand, just because its simple but chic designs. :)
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Choose ed hardy clothing
Replies: 1
Views: 1901

Why LV handbags are so popular?

Why LV handbags are so popular? It has been hot issue for a long time. First we should run into the basic problem: why people buy ? Answers can be easily figured out as below: LV's high quality raw materials, famous designers, refined craftwork procedures, recognition of th...
by pinkpandora
Sep 17, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: Why LV handbags are so popular?
Replies: 0
Views: 1270

Re: My Poetic Lines ...

dancing in my way
without worry and pay
ok, that's great
that's my way
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: My poetic lines ...
Replies: 2
Views: 2332


accountingtutor wrote:In west family means husband, wife and children Only

In east family means father, mother, brother, sister, uncle , aunty, grand parents, cousins, spouse children....

:lol: :lol: :lol: interesting, isn't it?
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: For Families Only
Replies: 6
Views: 3870

Re: Talking Donkeys in Bible - eh's evasion

Whilst eh has been trying his hardest to get me to believe in his interpretation of the Quran that ants could speak to Solomon and reject the logical alternative - I asked him a related question which he thus far is ignoring (perhaps out of shame?). We've already established that between the two of...
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Talking Donkeys in Bible - eh's evasion
Replies: 27
Views: 3079

Re: The most difficult to explain the mystery

Very insightful.I really enjoyed what you had say. Keep going because you definitely bring a new voice to this subject. Not many people would say what youve said and still make it interesting. Well, at least Im interested. :wink:
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The most difficult to explain the mystery
Replies: 1
Views: 1340

Re: Why is pork bad

This piece of info really courage me. Thanks.
My aim: less pork and more fish.^o^
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Why is pork bad
Replies: 12
Views: 4172

Re: Prostitutes

??? Crazy!!!
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: prostitutes
Replies: 71
Views: 50527

Re: Arranged Marriages/non Arranged Marriages

This is always been a hot topic! I can only say, it depends on what you think about it. This is an open issue.
by pinkpandora
Sep 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Arranged Marriages/non Arranged Marriages
Replies: 39
Views: 11719

Re: The brand ed hardy?

According to the latest news, ed hardy clothing ranks10th on Facebook fan's favorite brand, Redefined StreetFashion, daring to create a very American spirit of the brand characteristics. However, there is also a number of people dislike this so called 10th on Facebook fan's favorite brand. Anyway, e...
by pinkpandora
Sep 25, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: The brand ed hardy?
Replies: 1
Views: 1766

Re: lv,chanel,gucci ,hermes ,dior bags for sale

Fantastic stuff you've got here.I like designer gucci bags. Thanks so much for sharing the info. Its got to be a helping hand.
by pinkpandora
Sep 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: lv,chanel,gucci ,hermes ,dior bags for sale
Replies: 1
Views: 3047

Re: online shopping :lv,chanel,gucci ,hermes,rolex,all nam

Why LV handbags are so popular? It has been hot issue for a long time. First we should run into the basic problem: why people buy designer handbags? Answers can be easily figured out as below: LV's high quality raw materials, famous designers, refined craftwork procedures, recognition of the public,...
by pinkpandora
Sep 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: online shopping :lv,chanel,gucci ,hermes,rolex,all name br
Replies: 1
Views: 5367

Re: The biggest China promotions & daily use supplier

We also supply varied brand name handbags such as coach, chanel, LV, hermes, ed hardy, prada, miu miu, gucci handbags ect.

Any inquiry is welcomed. :D
by pinkpandora
Oct 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: The biggest China promotions & daily use supplier
Replies: 1
Views: 1997


We also supply varied brand name handbags such as gucci, chanel, LV, hermes, ed hardy, prada, miu miu, designer coach handbags ect.

Any inquiry is welcomed. :D
by pinkpandora
Oct 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Replies: 2
Views: 4840

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