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Is this offer good reason to move?

I have been offered AED30k per month, return tickets and medical by an well-respected MNC in Dubai. We're a family with two school-going kids. Currently we're in Hong Kong and love it here. My salary here is ok, enough to live comfortably but we don't save a more than 3-4k. I might another possible ...
by peace7
Sep 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this offer good reason to move?
Replies: 3
Views: 1697

Is this offer good reason to move?

I have been offered AED30k per month, return tickets and medical by an well-respected MNC in Dubai. We're a family with two school-going kids. Currently we're in Hong Kong and love it here. My salary here is ok, enough to live comfortably but we don't save a more than 3-4k. I might another possible ...
by peace7
Sep 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this offer good reason to move?
Replies: 21
Views: 5230

Sorry about the double post. Will need to know how to delete it. :) FLights are paid by the company, so is medical. I have been told by some people there that this is good pay. Just wanted to confirm from other expats here. How are the living standards different from Hong Kong or say Singapore? I re...
by peace7
Sep 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this offer good reason to move?
Replies: 21
Views: 5230

It's all inclusive. I'd put 10k for rent, 5k a month schooling for both kids. Still left with 15k. Will that be not enough?
by peace7
Sep 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this offer good reason to move?
Replies: 21
Views: 5230

Stay put in HK. There's no way you can live comfortably with two school-age kids on that salary, unless your spouse also works full-time and earns the same (and even then you won't be saving much). If you put my name into the search function you'll find another post I made to someone in a similar s...
by peace7
Sep 12, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this offer good reason to move?
Replies: 21
Views: 5230

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