I think this is a really tragic story and obviously the mother was out of her mind with grief. I am sure if she had stopped to think about it she would not have jumped, unfortunately I dont think that she did she was probably completely deranged.
You just posted a big song and dance about ignoring people and then go and comment? And that makes me the idiot???? So let me get this straight everybody else better ignore anything said about them but you can retaliate all you want. I couldn't care less what battles you want to continue but stop pr...
Apparently this story was incorrect it was a balls up by the immigration dept I think. Anyway to look on the bright side all the illegal immigrants will be queuing up to adopt all those homeless cats and dogs.
The kid that I refer to is you, the one that smelled of wee, the one that everyone laughed at (not with), the one that the fat girl used to beat up, the one that would whisper behind peoples backs, whilst not having the nerve to say out loud what was on their twisted little minds, THAT kid. PM when ...
Couldn't really care how many user names somebody has because it won't change the type of person they are, the comments will still be from the same person with the same opinions. Unless of course we have a resident schizophrenic. I don't understand the graffiti "Price Tag" could someone pl...
No I don't think DJ is Shaf but I do think he/she is a Muslim. Don't think he/she is particularly clever either having just read through the exchange with Drew (was terribly childish and pointless). Agree with BM thinks they are cleverer than they are.
Dear DD I have to say that from my own experiences what BM says is true, the Emirati's that I have met have been very racist. Maybe you haven't experienced this as they would tend to do it behind your back whilst smiling nicely to your face, but I can assure you I have heard it on several occasions....
Yes DD agree not all Emirati's are racist nor all white, brown, black people!! I was just talking from my own experience and that has been that the one's that I have met have been extremely racist. Maybe it comes from their own insecurity of being the minority in their own country. It is easy to bec...
We seem to be talking alot about Emirati racism and it is very interesting getting different nationalities experiences. I didn't realise that they felt like that about the Brits some of the Emirati's I knew (some very high ranking) even married Brits, bet they didn't share those opinions with their ...
Ok don't really like to get involved with the Politics forum or do any major googling but just had a quick look at forced marriages in the UK. "The majority of these seem to be within the Pakistani community" a telegraph article said. The BBC said that the FMU reported up to 65% of all kno...
DJ Your hinting at personal details WAS sneaky and wrong - and even if you believed that BM started this, didn't your mummy ever tell you 'two wrongs don't make a right'.
I think you will find it is deep-seated not deep-seeded. I hope you 'accept' these comments in good humour.
I think amongst all of these posts VK and possibly due to your failed rehabilitation you have lost sight of what the issue is, and what our disagreement was to begin with, so let me remind you. This all started VK when you decided to poke your nose where it didn’t belong -- namely to protect poor li...
The point is will HE see it as cheating and what will this mean!!!! Will he give you a less than perfect cut next time as revenge, or will it be twice as good in case you leave for good. OOooh the possibilities. Changing hairdressers is bad for your mental health. Let me know how you get on.
OMG What got his goat - why is he sooo hostile, I am confused, usually there is a build up to this level of hatred - did I miss something or is this person just seriously disturbed. (or should that be cyco)!!!