osamaafia - Posts

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Star diagnosis

Hi This is osama mohamed el sayed from egypt i have a new software very important to mercedes cars it used for diagnosis cars but it differ from normal DAS now you will not need the dealer for cooding with scn for new mecedes cars model and you will be able to programe without using the internet and...
by osamaafia
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Mercedes Workshop In Abu Dhabi
Replies: 6
Views: 6411

Star diagnosis

Hi This is osama mohamed el sayed from egypt i have a new software very important to mercedes cars it used for diagnosis cars but it differ from normal DAS now you will not need the dealer for cooding with scn for new mecedes cars model and you will be able to programe without using the internet and...
by osamaafia
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Mercedes benz maintinance
Replies: 3
Views: 5192

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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