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Best hospital/surgeon for Brain Tumor surgery in dubai/UAE ?

Hi, i just wanted some information for a friend: Which is the best hospital / surgeon in dubai or Abu Dhabi for brain tumor surgery (the department would be: neuro surgery or neurology) ? Do you personally know of some one who has undergone such a surgery in dubai & has glowing recommendations f...
by ofk
Oct 16, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Best hospital/surgeon for Brain Tumor surgery in dubai/UAE ?
Replies: 2
Views: 3237

Surgeon / Hospital recommendation for Brain Tumor surgery?

Hi, i just wanted some information for a friend: Which is the best hospital / surgeon in dubai or Abu Dhabi for brain tumor surgery (the department would be: neuro surgery or neurology) ? Do you personally know of some one who has undergone such a surgery in dubai & has glowing recommendations f...
by ofk
Oct 16, 2009
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Surgeon / Hospital recommendation for Brain Tumor surgery?
Replies: 0
Views: 1405

well the surgery took place in American Hospital and it was a success. So i guess American Hospital doctors/neurosurgeons are ok.
by ofk
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Best hospital/surgeon for Brain Tumor surgery in dubai/UAE ?
Replies: 2
Views: 3237

Well Michael Dell was also a college drop out....although he started DELL after dropping out of college. During his early college days he used to built made to order computers for other people, and then he decided why not go big....now he's the richest american under 40....!!
by ofk
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Bill Gates - Extraordinarily Fortunate Background to Riches
Replies: 10
Views: 3296

Yeah Bill Gates went to Harvard Law or atleast planned to do Law in Harvard but his passion for computers especially programing led him to start his own company....2 amazing real historical facts i remember from a book i read about him: 1) When he was starting out Microsoft offered majority stock or...
by ofk
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Bill Gates - Extraordinarily Fortunate Background to Riches
Replies: 10
Views: 3296

AUS (American University of Sharjah) doesn't have medical. Why do you want to do medical in dubai ? The education here (for outsiders) at a reputable university is going to be very expensive. Why not complete your medical in Pakistan and then maybe plan on getting further experience outside ?
by ofk
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Universities in Dubai, Sharjah and Ajman
Replies: 9
Views: 3243

okay i would suggest looking up some japan travel guides especially on the internet, i guess people would have posted some of their own travelling experiences while in japan, with recommendations on where to go & cheap places to stay, try searching on google. i found some really nice links on go...
by ofk
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Travel Around
Topic: JAPAN, anyone been there!
Replies: 4
Views: 3013

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