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as far as i know, there's no bars in marina walk, there's no hotels there for them to serve drinks. i think you'd be better off in JBR, groceries, pharmacies, a dozen coffee shops and more places to eat, plus you've got 3 hotels to find bars at, plus oasis towers with mai tai lounge.
by nuzbim
Sep 10, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Marina Walk - Can u please tell me where it is on this map?
Replies: 2
Views: 2160

15 min either way, that's an easy commute
by nuzbim
Sep 11, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Shortest way to Internet City. Views/Greens or Dubai Marina?
Replies: 3
Views: 1594

for 90K you won't be able to find a studio any longer, they are now in the 100-110K range, or from what i've been seeing.

good luck
by nuzbim
Sep 14, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Marina Walk - Quick question
Replies: 6
Views: 2565

i just returned 2 nights ago and got a 60 day visa, i'm from one of the protected countries.
by nuzbim
Oct 05, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this visa good for 30 days or a 60 days?
Replies: 5
Views: 1646

Thanks Nuzbim for sharing this info. Was your entry visa clearly stamped for 60 days, because I heard all visas given in Aug. and Sept. were stamped for 30 days? Did you come thru Dubai or Sharjah? - Samsi, not sure what you mean about a bad experience in China. Do you know of any bad experiences r...
by nuzbim
Oct 06, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Is this visa good for 30 days or a 60 days?
Replies: 5
Views: 1646

NOPE even Brits only have 30days stamped on arrival now - its 30 days not 60 unless you know this for absolute certain and can quote from the gov website you should be careful what you quote well me and my wife just returned to dubai and she got 60 days stamped on her passport, shes' from malaysia....
by nuzbim
Oct 08, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Do you know anyone who did a Visa Run lately?
Replies: 39
Views: 14065

Re: Texan going to Dubai, Questions?

First off hello, and thanks for the forum. My wife has accepted a job with her company to move to Dubai. They want us there by the end of the year so of course I am doing the research now. But I am having a terrible time finding good solid info on some things. Maybe some locals can help me out. Tha...
by nuzbim
Oct 22, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Texan going to Dubai, Questions?
Replies: 15
Views: 4381

I thought of some more questions. tv- what cable provider do most xpats use? \ Can you get us channels so I dont miss lost and heros? you'll get last seasons shows, they are all 1 year behind mostly. otherwise you can just download torrents, i'm from the states and that's what i do. how much is it ...
by nuzbim
Oct 22, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Texan going to Dubai, Questions?
Replies: 15
Views: 4381

nuzbim, thanks for the replies. Ok so 1600 american dollars a month is only going to get us 1 car? Man thats crazy. did you think I wanted new cars? I was looking at the used cars bmw and mercedes that were around 80,000 to 100,000. With the year range from 2004 on up to like 2007. Used cars will g...
by nuzbim
Oct 22, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Texan going to Dubai, Questions?
Replies: 15
Views: 4381

Nuzbim, dude you seriously rock. Man I might have to hit you up when we get to dubai to work on this slingbox thing. Would I still beable to use newsgroups over there or would I have to go to torrents. Newsgroups rock. Thanks again man i haven't used newsgroups in years so i wouldnt know, i dl all ...
by nuzbim
Oct 22, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Texan going to Dubai, Questions?
Replies: 15
Views: 4381

yeah marina diamond is a horrible building it's nearly all empty from what i've seen and 105 is high for the level of building it is. good luck gettin that. the marina is maybe 30-40% occupied cause of greedy landlords.
by nuzbim
Oct 27, 2008
Forum: Accommodation in Dubai
Replies: 16
Views: 5824

depends on what your passport is. indians have it hard here and unless you work for a large MNC then you'll have trouble finding a job with the same salary as the states.
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Presently in USA, Coming to Dubai in Jan 2009. need help
Replies: 1
Views: 2125

is the 21K with housing included or will they cover that? otherwise you'll need at least 300K for a 2/3 bedroom villa, paid up front in advance.

so 21K is a decent salary, if the company pays for your housing, otherwise a 2 bedroom flat goes for 100-250K in diff parts of dubai.
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 4540 free and works thur IE so download at home and log into via IE and you'll have access.
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Dubai high tech talk
Topic: free remote desktop software?
Replies: 17
Views: 6347

if it's 21K all in, then you won't be living in a villa, most likely you'll find a 1 bedroom in the marina/new dubai area for 100K so take out 9K from your salary. a car will run around 1.7-whatever you wish per month. you've also got to figure 600-1600 per month for water/gas/internet/tv/phone, so ...
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 4540

last year that offer would have been good, you could havve found a 2 bedroom flat in the marina for 110-130K. but now days, the 2 bedrooms start at 160K-250K depending on location. as far as cars the 1.7 is for a lancer, otherwise known as a deathmobile. it really all boils down to if your wife will...
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 4540

Well I am white/European and I have 8 years industry experience, but in my industry thats senior level... as its a "young mans" industry, after 10 years you are a director.... or very senior... So basicly from what your telling I´m being short changed? hehe What industry do you work in? A...
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 4540

that might not be a bad idea, but you'd be bled dry in short term rentals here. plus there's no month to month apt rentals, in Dubai you've got to pay the entire amount in either 1 or 2 checks. so while there are monthly rental places, the rates are very high, like 15-30K a month for a flat near the...
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 4540

As for accomodation I thought flatshare for the probation period... seen a few between 3000-6000 Month for a room basicly. With these do I also need to pay a whole year? And as for the freezone/ban situation. I´m not sure, but would I get the ban if it was probation period as well? I mean probation...
by nuzbim
Nov 12, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Replies: 13
Views: 4540

Re: Engineering Salary

Hi, I'm being headhunted for an engineering job where I'm rather senior with specialist competence. It's a very narrow niche where I have key knowledge. I live in Europe having a somewhat similar job as offered but at a lower seniority. My salery at the moment after taxes are in the range of 150k d...
by nuzbim
Nov 23, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Engineering Salary
Replies: 9
Views: 7530

Re: Engineering Salary

Hi, I'm being headhunted for an engineering job where I'm rather senior with specialist competence. It's a very narrow niche where I have key knowledge. I live in Europe having a somewhat similar job as offered but at a lower seniority. My salery at the moment after taxes are in the range of 150k d...
by nuzbim
Nov 23, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Engineering Salary
Replies: 9
Views: 7530

yeah that's why i asked bout the housing. it's posts like the guy above who've screwed the market in dubai. you don't double your salary by coming out here. you can def save, and if housing is included you'll def save, but to earn 6x the guy's salary, that's just stupid
by nuzbim
Nov 24, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Engineering Salary
Replies: 9
Views: 7530

So what are you saying? The housing and transport is paid by the company. The salery is on top of it, and my idea was to say a rather high starting bid to see the reaction since they came to me and not the opposite... if they approached you, then they know the salary levels in the UK and the tax le...
by nuzbim
Nov 25, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Engineering Salary
Replies: 9
Views: 7530

depends on what type of job you have lined up. if housing is provided. it's not all rosy anymore and i'm an american who moved here last year. if you've got work lined up, and they pay for housing it might be worth it, but if you are coming out here to look for work, it'll depend on what line of wor...
by nuzbim
Nov 30, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hows life living in Dubai? im american
Replies: 12
Views: 1931

you won't have to pay taxes on the first 87.5K USD, but that includes your housing, so most folks don't report income while here. but legally you're exempt from 87.5 only
by nuzbim
Nov 30, 2008
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Hows life living in Dubai? im american
Replies: 12
Views: 1931

the internet and tv can be as cheap as 300 dhs per month to 1000 per month, depending on the speed you want and what channels.

as far as food, for a couple we spend maybe 700-1000 for groceries.
by nuzbim
Dec 16, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Thoughts on this job offer
Replies: 7
Views: 3531

are you in dubai already or plannin on moving here? if you aren't here yet, where are you moving from. nationality makes a diff.

best to arrive and then apply, otherwise you'll get no responses from your CV
by nuzbim
Dec 17, 2008
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Best Agencies For IT Jobs?
Replies: 3
Views: 2119

That´s the problem, i have to negogate face to face, cos the job is arranged by a headhuntercompany here in Germany. My responibilities will be to manage and plan the production, responsible for the staff and so on. You are right, the company is a group with branches, each owned by a other family m...
by nuzbim
Jan 06, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Again a salary/package question, sorry
Replies: 12
Views: 5129

sage where is the marina values in that spreadsheet? i dont see it on there. i'd be interested in seeing rental index for the marina/jbr area.
by nuzbim
Jan 20, 2009
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Rent cap for 2009 - here it is!
Replies: 26
Views: 3179

good luck, i rarely see any companies hiring right now and not hiring freshers at all, but maybe you'll get lucky.
by nuzbim
Jan 29, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: heading to dubai soon ... any advice ?
Replies: 4
Views: 2010

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