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I am based in Canada and would like to offer a Canadian made product for pool treatment, this product is made with natural ingredient, reducing chemical by 50%, will clarify, stabilize and flock the water in addition to eliminating all forms of algae thus save you money and time. This product is nev...
by nuverve
Mar 07, 2014
Forum: Investors Looking for Businesses
Topic: Genuine Investor looking to invest in business
Replies: 40
Views: 14882

Pool Treatment Mineral - Canadian Product

We are Canadian company and would like to offer a Canadian made product for pool treatment, this product is made with natural ingredient, reducing chemical by 50%, will clarify, stabilize and flock the water in addition to eliminating all forms of algae thus save you money and time. This product is ...
by nuverve
Mar 07, 2014
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Pool Treatment Mineral - Canadian Product
Replies: 1
Views: 1216

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