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Hy, assallamualaikum my name is nurwati i'm from indonesia i have blacklist in dubai 2012 my sponsor he make tamim complain cause i run away from his home, i want to clear my tamim but he don't want sight the paper, so thats'y they send me go back indonesia in 2012, i was waiting until now to can co...
by nurwati
Aug 09, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: check black list and how to remove
Replies: 13
Views: 16036


It's vv difficult to find the right person who can clear our blacklist, since 2012 until now no one i can trust for my ban also. I leave on god, if not in UAE we can go other country, even v difficult to leave the things was in UAE. All the best for all of you.
by nurwati
Aug 10, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Replies: 11
Views: 20961

Re: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.

Asslkm.. Hy sir, can you help me to remove my blacklist i was left dubai in 2012 my sponsor make complain and he dont want sight paper, so thats y i go back to indonesia, pls sir is there have way for clear my blacklist i need your help sir please i want to come again dubai i was find someone to cle...
by nurwati
Aug 10, 2014
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Get Your Black List Removed Legally.
Replies: 181
Views: 112494

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