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If you need a 200 million+ USD loan then read this

Hello, What I have found is a group of lenders that are willing to fund projects around the world. The minimum that they lend out is 200 million and the things that they require to make things happen are: 1. Project report 2. Letter of intent from a bank where funds will be transferred to 3. Stand b...
by nsxxx
Sep 19, 2008
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: If you need a 200 million+ USD loan then read this
Replies: 8
Views: 3558

What is your contact info Axess. Ill get in touch via email.
by nsxxx
Oct 07, 2008
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: If you need a 200 million+ USD loan then read this
Replies: 8
Views: 3558

Re: Architectural Exterior Products

Khalil please contact me. I would like to speak with you regarding an investment.

by nsxxx
Mar 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Architectural Exterior Products
Replies: 2
Views: 2521

If you have 10 Million USD to invest

Hello, I have an investment where an investor will earn 60 Million USD within 12 weeks with a 10 Million USD investment. This investment is secure because the funds will remain in the investors name in his/her bank account during the whole 12 week period. Everything can be verified and will be condu...
by nsxxx
Mar 17, 2011
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: If you have 10 Million USD to invest
Replies: 2
Views: 2420

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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