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Single woman's life in Dubai

Hi, I am new to the forum and have read several posts but still have questions. 1. I read elsewhere that you are not allowed to walk at night, and that people seen walking around are taken to jail and freed the next morning. This, apparently, in an effort to reduce crime at night. Does anyone know ...
by njuner
Oct 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Single woman's life in Dubai
Replies: 42
Views: 32242

Arniegang: 1. No, it is not a joke 2. This is where I read this from: http://www.principalconsulting.com.au/ngn/engine/SID/1000105 and here: http://guide.theemiratesnetwork.com/living/differences.php I do not know what their source is, which is why I posted the question in a forum, to verify whether...
by njuner
Oct 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Single woman's life in Dubai
Replies: 42
Views: 32242

Love pets but don't have any? Want to share a flat?

Professional female with small dog and two cats seeks professional flatmate who loves animals to search for a 2 bedroom flat. Date TBD, but surely late this summer. Email me if interested.
by njuner
Jun 25, 2008
Forum: To Let in Dubai
Topic: TO LET (Users who want to sublet post here)
Replies: 54
Views: 43288

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