hello! I'm Italian and I'm looking for an opportunity to get involved as volunteer
I don't have any preferences about the kind of work, I'd like to move to UAE for some months and make myself useful I still live in Italy
could you help me?
hi guys I'm Italian and I would like to attend a language course in order to lear Arabic (but I would attend an English course too)
could you please give me some advices about these schools?
Hi I'm Italian and I would come to Dubai for about 6 months to attend a language course. it's a long period for a tourist visa, so what kind of visa I should get?
thank you for your reply. I knew about the student visa but this is the school's answer about it : please be informed that we are not the one who will apply for your visa, however we do offer hotel accommodation, and together with their package is to apply you for a visa. You will pay a certain amou...