UAE kid, You are not talking logically. I did not say a country ,like UAE, should FORGET its religion. However, if it wants western tourists, then it must allow them more freedom, otherwise they won't come to Dubai. In business, the CUSTOMER should always be right"" [ At least 90 pc of th...
Well said Humbleman brother. I agree with most of your points except the timid and meek 'submission' in front of nonmuslim westerners but may be that's because you are in the minority in a country occupied by terrorist anglo-westerners through force, deception, mass murder and exploitation. Coming ...
MuslimBangladeshi, you are as hypocrite as Gorge Bush is. Here is why: Bush said he takes his philosophy from Jesus. But we know that, Jesus has told his followers to love their enemies as they’d love themselves, don’t kill, spread peace and love, be patient, be honest, help others who are hungry a...
*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cous...
*yawn* Just like the rest of the world. Seems like a lot of your countrymen are going to be out of work then. Maybe UK will have to close the towns of Walsall, Birmingham, Coventry, Wolverhampton, etc.....the list goes on, and your BROTHERS then will go home and take their freeloading aunties, cous...
If that's how you talk to your mother, elderly and more intelligent persons, so be it. You are just not wanted in this thread so kindly leave. Freedom of speech....go and have some fun on the road :lol: Does that mean I can describe what german and western women do with their mouths all the time? I...
*This is a duplicate of a thread in Religion subforum, no other Muslim replied there so I am posting it here for more responses* What do you think about a union for all Muslim countries of the world? It will hopefully lead to many benefits for humanity and Musli...
Well said Humbleman brother. I agree with most of your points except the timid and meek 'submission' in front of nonmuslim westerners but may be that's because you are in the minority in a country occupied by terrorist anglo-westerners through force, deception, mass murder and exploitation. Coming ...
Your command of English is not good, I did not say that you were in the UK, I think you know that, and are deliberately evading answering my point. Do try again, we are talking about your loving relatives, not you. NONE of my relatives are in the UK either. What a limey tosser! I won't repeat here ...
As you say, AD is going to gain more and more financial control over Dubai, so I wonder if Dubai will be forced to be more "Islamic" and stricter? That would not help in its ambition to be a big international tourism destination. People flock to the Mediterranean and Florida for personal ...
Bangladesh. Definately. ;) We don't accept immigrants/refugees, definitely not if they are immoral hypocrite dutch/westerners. If they are a miserable lot, we can put them out of their misery though :lol: Whuuhhehehah, :lol: You're really gathered from a turdheap aren't you? When I bring money to y...
I won't be so pessimistic brother. Yes USA and cronies (like britons ahem) will always try their level best to spoil this alliance and the union of brotherly countries. However shall we continue to let an immoral drug-abusing incestuous paedophile homosexual drunkard falling economy and political po...
uaekid akhi Our brothers from Qatar are the second richest in the world at the moment and are on their way to being the richest in the whole world this year Inshallah. Of course Emirati brothers and sisters can be more rich, I hope that Emirati brothers see the value in establishing trading contacts...
Geez you're becoming as bad as MB with the pointless cut and paste stories. And yes, the point is what? So what? Been there, done that, came out of it before! And....? dont feed the TROLLs. Their shame is that they are intensely jealous that they can't exist without Caucasian brains to run their pr... PM Gordon Brown pins economy hopes on China The 500 businessmen and politicians who gathered at the Natural History Museum last Sunday for dinner with Wen Jiabao, the Chinese prime minister, were t...
Even the british are now relying on nonwestern 'communist' country of China to revive their faltering economy :lol: That was really funny. I hope Muslim countries form a union and realize the benefits of having a huge common market just like China. We should learn important economic lessons from Chi...
Often times many nonmuslims specially from the West try to sow seeds of doubt and cause division amongst our brothers with such deceptive double-faced talk. Let's try to remove all misleading western propaganda bit by bit. How can a union based only on religion work? There are all kinds of ethnic, p...
You love to remain blind to economic truths. India is the economic powerhouse or the region. What they do with their money is a different affair. I did NOT say they were attacking their poverty, that is their affair. The country is wealthy. Fact. With the largest population of poor (no offense - ju...