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help me

Hi Sir i am in UAE from 20 Feb on tourist visa and have my flight back to homeland on 20 march. i did not find out my answer in precious forums sir as agents use to tell me about new and old rules about VIsa :-( 1. how long i can stay here if i want to change my flight. that possible if i can e...
by muskan
Mar 16, 2015
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: help me
Replies: 0
Views: 1321

Re: Tourist Visa Expiry

Hi Sir i am in UAE from 20 Feb on tourist visa and have my flight back to homeland on 20 march. 1. how long i can stay here if i want to change my flight. that possible if i can extend my tourist visa for 2 weeks. 3. if yes please tell me the process and how much it will cost. visa information:...
by muskan
Mar 16, 2015
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: Tourist visa expiry
Replies: 26
Views: 52425

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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