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My friend told me you could have a taxi deliver the stuff to your home in Sharjah? How true is that? Or were those only the good ol' days?
by msafi
Mar 04, 2007
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Alcohol from Ajman & UAQ to Dubai
Replies: 173
Views: 127196

How safe is it to use motorscooters for work commute?

By motorscooters I mean something like this i'm quite a good driver when it comes to cars. this can give me an edge with scooters as well, i believe. i've also ridden one like this for a brief period in the U.S., then it got stolen. but where I lived ...
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: How safe is it to use motorscooters for work commute?
Replies: 6
Views: 2589

Hehehe. Funny stuff.

We hate Bush, too (speaking on behalf of the people that hate Bush).
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Resume - GEORGE W. BUSH
Replies: 1
Views: 1432

What do you people think of minimal government, free market?

What do you people think of minimal government, free market based society? I, personally, think it's great. I love business. I think government should encourage competition and discourage monopolies. Though I want it to avoid coercion in doing so. I like a government that emphasizes individual repon...
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: What do you people think of minimal government, free market?
Replies: 12
Views: 3038

In my mind, the farthest thing from a minimal government society is theocracy; judging from the history of theocracies. May be I'm exaggerating, given the example of UAE. Obviously the UAE is much more capitalistic than communism. As for the redistribution of wealth, I think it should be voluntary. ...
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: What do you people think of minimal government, free market?
Replies: 12
Views: 3038

That's really disppointing to hear. However, I've been driving around Sharjah/Dubai for the past few days, and to be honest, I haven't really noticed any terribly bad driving. Overall, the driving here is ten times better than that of Saudi Arabia. I've heard people before say that it would be very ...
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: How safe is it to use motorscooters for work commute?
Replies: 6
Views: 2589

Nope, athiest and capitalist funnily enough. This reminds me of a question I once had, but never got the chance to ask. It doesn't really apply to you scot1870, but why do atheists/liberals tend to lean toward communism and religious/moral conservatives lean toward capitalism? My wife thinks becaus...
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: What do you people think of minimal government, free market?
Replies: 12
Views: 3038

Repair shop / service center for Mercedes S500 2001?

Hi, Back home in Saudi I used to take it to an excellent Egyptian guy whose shop is very close to my home. Here, I have no idea where to take it. I need body work to be done as well as some work that I think a service center would do better. I'm new here and I don't wanna get ripped off. Can someone...
by msafi
Mar 05, 2007
Forum: Dubai Auto
Topic: Repair shop / service center for Mercedes S500 2001?
Replies: 1
Views: 2301


Actually it is very to get a liquor license....the cdn embassy can arrange it for you...EVEN IF YOU ARE A have to sign a sheet saying you ARE NOT A PRACTISING MUSLIM....and bob's ur uncle.....I WAS TEMPTED....BUT DID NOT CROSS THAT LINE :) Thanks for the great news. But I'm a non-Ca...
by msafi
Mar 17, 2007
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Alcohol from Ajman & UAQ to Dubai
Replies: 173
Views: 127196

You know, it isn't as bad as it was made out to be. I went to Ajman to buy alcohol the other day and brought it to Sharjah and I couldn't imagine anyone stopping me. Among the customers was an elderly in a national dress and white beard. This was in day light!! You know what's better? I found a taxi...
by msafi
Apr 11, 2007
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Alcohol from Ajman & UAQ to Dubai
Replies: 173
Views: 127196

I agree, alot of these guys are pretty hippocritical in the way their outlook on things differs from the outlook they expect others to have... Look at those Saudi princes running around Europe cruising the ladies and having a good time banging left right and center all the while acting like the enf...
by msafi
Apr 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: can unmarried couples live together in dubai
Replies: 32
Views: 11777

I'm a dog lover and an owner of little cute Yorkie, but little caution never hurts.
by msafi
Apr 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Show some love.
Replies: 16
Views: 2559

U.S. uni. graduate w/ no experience looking for a job. Help!

I know I have experience in life. I got where I am today because of my own initiatives. This, however, I can't put in a resume. Employers look for experience in working in other companies, of which I only have little. I don't expect a lot of money. I should be happy with 6,000 Dhs a month. I don't t...
by msafi
Apr 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: U.S. uni. graduate w/ no experience looking for a job. Help!
Replies: 4
Views: 3207

Sorry to say that, but I'd consider an average American wanting to move here to be crazy. But of course, it all comes back to what you're looking for. I personally am looking for freedom. Being an Arab, I chose Dubai. If I were a white American, I don't think I would ever leave the U.S. If you're wh...
by msafi
Apr 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Young US Grad considering dubai
Replies: 9
Views: 3748

This depends on where exactly you'll be living
by msafi
Apr 17, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Replies: 13
Views: 9652

Building Resume by doing volunteer work?

I posted about my inability to find jobs in Dubai since I don't have professional experience or perhaps because I need to be patient and give it a little more time. At any rate, I have a lot of time on my hand, so I'd like to do some volunteer work to occupy my time, and more importantly build my re...
by msafi
Apr 17, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Building Resume by doing volunteer work?
Replies: 4
Views: 1439

This is not funny. It's depressing.
by msafi
Apr 18, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Building Resume by doing volunteer work?
Replies: 4
Views: 1439

You're right Concord. It doesn't make sense that I would write this post and expect help before doing the things you mentioned. I'll probably post my CV in the appropriate section of the forum.

BTW, I graduated from Arizona State University, W.P Carey School of Business; ranked 27th in the U.S.
by msafi
Apr 18, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Building Resume by doing volunteer work?
Replies: 4
Views: 1439

I have one more trick up my sleeve. I'm gonna try to contact my embassy and ask for their help. They think I have a good reason to be here (i.e in the UAE), so I hope they'll sympathize and help me find a job. BTW, what's the average response time from employers after they have your resume? The job ...
by msafi
Apr 18, 2007
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: U.S. uni. graduate w/ no experience looking for a job. Help!
Replies: 4
Views: 3207

D.O.B: 25-April-1982 Nationality: Saudi Arabia Location: Sharjah OBJECTIVE A success driven, American university graduate with sharp awareness of international business practices seeking a position to contribute a diversified set of business, people, and technical expertise to a competitive and futu...
by msafi
Apr 18, 2007
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: U.S. uni. graduate w/ no experience looking for a job. Help!
Replies: 4
Views: 3207

U.S. uni. graduate asking for 6000 Dhs a month. Too much?

I'm asking this question not rhetorically or sarcastically, but sincerely. I don't know what type of salary I should expect. I'm a graduate from Arizona State University. In the U.S., the average starting salary of W.P Carey graduates with my degree is $50,678/year . I have a 3.16/4 GPA. My resume i...
by msafi
Apr 20, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: U.S. uni. graduate asking for 6000 Dhs a month. Too much?
Replies: 28
Views: 7551

Thank you for the suggestions everyone. I have done some more work on my resume, which got me some interviews. I have found a temporary job for now (3000 Dhs/month) as a marketing/sales planner to occupy myself while I'm still looking. Actually after doing some research and looking at positions and ...
by msafi
May 06, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: U.S. uni. graduate asking for 6000 Dhs a month. Too much?
Replies: 28
Views: 7551

I would say that if an Asian accepts a low salary for a position that a westerner is being paid big bucks for, then he is himself to blame. :( That's the real problem. Most of Asian are "willing" to get paid low. For them, as long as it's "better" (exchange rates & can send ...
by msafi
May 06, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Do American's of Pakistan/India origin make good money?
Replies: 12
Views: 3134

Dog breeders in Dubai?

We're looking for a companion for our Yorkie puppy. We have looked in so many different places with no luck. We want to buy directly from a breeder. We want a dog breed that is, at most, as large as our Yorkie. That would mean, Chihuahua, Maltese or Yorkie. Does anyone have any knowledge of a local ...
by msafi
May 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dog breeders in Dubai?
Replies: 18
Views: 9619

Maybe you can enlighten us by giving some details as to the procedure and requirements?
by msafi
May 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: got my alcohol license!
Replies: 27
Views: 5365

Thanks to everyone that suggested K9 Friends. We are already on their waiting list. They do not have Toy dogs, but they said that they will contact us if anything becomes available.

When I said local breeders, I didn't mean pet shops. I meant people who breed puppies in their homes.
by msafi
May 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dog breeders in Dubai?
Replies: 18
Views: 9619

I'll get in touch with HP. May be he has some useful info for me.

Thanks everyone,
by msafi
May 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dog breeders in Dubai?
Replies: 18
Views: 9619

Ha, thanks for the heads-up. I just deleted the PM from the 'Outbox'

So, I'm out of luck it seems.
by msafi
May 13, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dog breeders in Dubai?
Replies: 18
Views: 9619

When I saw the number of pages of this thread, I thought there was some serious discussion about the Wafi robbery going on. Instead I find two guys lashing out at each other about whose country is better. I don't know who firefingers is trying to embarrass, but I think he's an agent for the Jews and...
by msafi
May 14, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: wafi center thieves got caught !!
Replies: 68
Views: 11149

Thanks for the encouraging words guys. I found a job with a company in Dubai Internet City. Everything is fairly well, except the commute, which is 2 hours each way, so that's 4 hours of my youth wasted every day. I get 7k for my work. Since I cannot seem to find anything better, I'll hold on to thi...
by msafi
May 15, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: U.S. uni. graduate asking for 6000 Dhs a month. Too much?
Replies: 28
Views: 7551

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