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Executive Assistant Wanted

We are currently looking for the right people to assist our executive management in the day-to-day operational needs of our International firm as a personal assistant in Dubai. This person MUST speak English, but Arabic and any other language would be a plus. Travel ability not required, but is also...
by msaad
Apr 19, 2010
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Executive Assistant Wanted
Replies: 2
Views: 1777

Re: Executive Assistant Wanted

Yes, I guess youre right... If interested - one can send an email to with their resume and we'll go from there with the interview process. Thanks
by msaad
Apr 19, 2010
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Executive Assistant Wanted
Replies: 2
Views: 1777

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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