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Help gals!

Hey I'm Mona and I'm going to Dubai in a few days and i really wanna get my belly pierced! I heard that there is this Australian run Salon that have them done, but I wasn't able to get the address or anything. So if anyone has any information about this plz let me know k? thaaaaaanks :D
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Help gals!
Replies: 7
Views: 2881

Forget Laitino's Indians paki's or whatever. Persian woman are the best! Plus it's true that Indian women only win cos all the hot sizzlin curvatious pretty Persian girls are stuck in Iran and forced to wear scarfs cos of the Gov! I'm persian and live in Bahrain and dont cover my hair & every gu...
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: indians are more beautiful
Replies: 35
Views: 11520

I meant a sexy accent not a fun language haha :P
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: indians are more beautiful
Replies: 35
Views: 11520

hey what's up with the word s*xy turning into the word fun? LOL ok lets just say they have a hot accent hahahaha
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: indians are more beautiful
Replies: 35
Views: 11520

Hey! WHERE exactly do they have it done again? I'm not talking about pharmacies, cos i wanna have my belly done and I heard there was this Aussie run Salon that do them so ask ur sista's cos me want to know :P bye
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone know if a professional Body piercer would do well in
Replies: 27
Views: 7727

Btw i think that we desperately need a professional body piercer in Bahrain we just have this stupid hospital that have them done and they dont have a clue of what they're doing! And when you ask them about the after care they just say "oh you dont have to do anything to it"!! :o hello? you could ge...
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone know if a professional Body piercer would do well in
Replies: 27
Views: 7727

Hey! Woman love thoughtful stuff, like if ur woman saw or pointed out something she liked, get it for her! I think it's sweet! Plus Jewelry is good too! Like something simple not too big! Men, men are the hardest to buy gifts for, hmm I would say a watch or shoes, clothes etc. NO SHAVERS! lol As for...
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Xmas Gift Ideas
Replies: 9
Views: 3304

What's with all that bullshit about a$$ cleaning? You clean it, you dont spread it everwhere and make up get back into ur a$$ and let it into ur blood system! Sheesh why do you think it's called washing? duh! to clean it up not make it worse and kill urself! Plus all muslims to clean up wipe and was...
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: wipe or wash!?
Replies: 16
Views: 4561

Girls what you said was true! We dont need a bum, a man has to have a car! no car no date!
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: I want a girlfriend in dubai
Replies: 15
Views: 7008

Excuse me? if you think that us ppl over 20 have nothing better to do first of all i do and get lots of free time at work! AND what oh earth are you doing typing all of this in the first place? dont YOU have better stuff to do? HYPOCRITE!!! TOTALLY 8)
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: over 20 and nothing better to do
Replies: 20
Views: 5637

Thanks babe! I really appreciate it!!
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Help gals!
Replies: 7
Views: 2881

by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Xmas Gift Ideas
Replies: 9
Views: 3304

Thank you Arfeen!
by monalisa
Dec 14, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: indians are more beautiful
Replies: 35
Views: 11520

Thanks smartd, it was so sweet of you to look it up! But I still cant figure out where it is. And Mr. Smart ass, since all i talk about is my belly then no need to read what i write & at least i dont ask ppl to vote about sh*t! So save it!!! Leila i wish i had the info's ur asking for, but where...
by monalisa
Dec 15, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone know if a professional Body piercer would do well in
Replies: 27
Views: 7727

Hey Jamal!! Thanks for saying we're hot! About this Sahar or Sara, my cousin has two names (Sahar, Sara) but she's pure persian, so soweee but yeah she's real good looking though. I might know them cos believe it or not Bahrain is THAT small. Everyone know's eachother over here. So where are you fro...
by monalisa
Dec 15, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: indians are more beautiful
Replies: 35
Views: 11520

Alvii's right, I think it's cute when a guy shops for a girl. But the gift has to be nice though.
by monalisa
Dec 15, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Xmas Gift Ideas
Replies: 9
Views: 3304

Jamal cracks me up! hahahahaha
by monalisa
Dec 15, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Help gals!
Replies: 7
Views: 2881

22 next month inshallah
by monalisa
Dec 15, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Lets all have a laugh - State your AGE!
Replies: 38
Views: 7969

Annie dont take it! Try to look for something else ok? Good luck! Cos there is not much point of busting ur a$$ for just 700DHS. Plus as you said that you made more so I think you should look for something better. Good luck
by monalisa
Dec 15, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Advice Wanted
Replies: 9
Views: 3208

Right buttons? Relax he's just being friendly
by monalisa
Dec 17, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: indians are more beautiful
Replies: 35
Views: 11520

ur not serious are you? Man i think you shoulda read the shit u wrote before postin it, cos man does it sound sad! Take it easy. Girls don't like desperado's HAHAHAHA what a nerd?!
by monalisa
Dec 25, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: [b]Any women in Dubai on this forum[/b]
Replies: 3
Views: 1958

That waz me
by monalisa
Dec 25, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Replies: 6
Views: 2364

I wanted to post my pic (I think) but the stuff u guys said about the french pirate boy made me nervous! HAHAHAHA forget it oh and i literally don't have balls as u said "But if you have the balls post it here! post it now! "

by monalisa
Dec 25, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: post pictures?
Replies: 29
Views: 5460

These info's were in some forwarded email. Funny stuff. These monkeys are nasteeee!! :shock:
by monalisa
Dec 26, 2004
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: useless facts.
Replies: 7
Views: 2825

Tatu? Perverted lil teens with nothing better to do, thinking its cool n hot makin out with eachother. I saw their live performance and it was just retarded. All they did was makeout. It's pretty sad n I agree with fakespike ..their faces does piss me off, like they're the types that you just wanna ...
by monalisa
Jan 11, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Tatu
Replies: 19
Views: 5149

Hey Liela! I had my belly pierced like 6 days ago and it looks just great! Plus it looks like it's been there for a year, no redness at all or anything like that! I'd say go for it if you want one. At first i totally freaked out as it does hurt alot! I squeezed the hell out of my cousin's hands :rol...
by monalisa
Jan 12, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone know if a professional Body piercer would do well in
Replies: 27
Views: 7727

Hey..... Changing it isn't a problem, like you said just like ears.. but you gotta wait till it's all healed first. Depends on the person and how long it takes till it heals. It could be changed in about 2 months. I chose to have a barbell that has a top screw that comes off. The rings look gross th...
by monalisa
Jan 12, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Anyone know if a professional Body piercer would do well in
Replies: 27
Views: 7727

I agree with you 2. I mean everyone has the right to live their life as long as they aren't hurting anyone. And besides.. they don't chose to be this way & people can't change the way they think. So we might as well just accept them as they are and live our own lives. After all we're all human b...
by monalisa
Jan 12, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: homo.s.exuality?
Replies: 11
Views: 4168

haha thanks for the laugh
by monalisa
Jan 24, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: For ISh or Jamal (or anybody else that can help)
Replies: 14
Views: 3572

Hmmmm.. I thought the previews looked bad & the name sounds kinda lame! you reckon i should watch it? I mean it's not worth it if its the SAME usual horror story. And most horror movie's do have bad actors in them.
by monalisa
Jan 24, 2005
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Watched the movie called "SAW"
Replies: 9
Views: 2295

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