mohfooz - Posts

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gezza , Hi this is Mohammad. We are running a football tournament during Ramdan at sport city. it is 7 on 7, please let me know if you are interested to participate.

by mohfooz
Jun 09, 2015
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: any one want to join a football team / needs a pitch
Replies: 19
Views: 13141

Re: Looking For Football Players!!!

EHFC , Hi this is Mohammad. We are running a football tournament during Ramdan at sport city. it is 7 on 7, please let me know if you are interested to participate. registration fee : 4000 AED and Winning Prize: 25,000 AED

by mohfooz
Jun 09, 2015
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: Looking for Football Players!!!
Replies: 55
Views: 27059

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