mohd12755 - Posts

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leading salon in dubai dealling of hair and beauty

Leading salon in dubai requires top stylists and beauty technicians and nail technicians for new salon openning soon.. Requirements: 1)Male/Female 2)Dubai based. 3)Minimum 3/5 years experience 4)Very talented in all aspects of these fields. 5)Very good communitive skills. 6)Fluent in english essenti...
by mohd12755
May 05, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: leading salon in dubai dealling of hair and beauty
Replies: 0
Views: 1784

leading salon in dubai dealling of hair and beauty

Leading salon in dubai requires top stylists and beauty technicians and nail technicians for new salon openning soon.. Requirements: 1)Male/Female 2)Dubai based. 3)Minimum 3/5 years experience 4)Very talented in all aspects of these fields. 5)Very good communitive skills. 6)Fluent in english essenti...
by mohd12755
May 05, 2009
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: leading salon in dubai dealling of hair and beauty
Replies: 0
Views: 1712

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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