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How do you know that someone has absconded?

I think someone I know has done a runner. I know him well enough to suspect it but not well enough to know that its true. It could well be that there are other circumstances but there are mutual acquaintances that want to know too. We were part of the same networking group. How do we get more inform...
by mita56
Jan 03, 2011
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: How do you know that someone has absconded?
Replies: 2
Views: 1579

Re: How Do You Know That Someone Has Absconded?

Most of us are in the same boat. Its wierd. Some of his personal stuff is here but a lot of his work stuff like office and hardware etc seems to have closed down.
by mita56
Jan 03, 2011
Forum: Dubai Business Talk
Topic: How do you know that someone has absconded?
Replies: 2
Views: 1579

Looking to move

Looking at options of moving when my lease is up. Would prefer a villa or a farmhouse on the outskirts of Dubai or in flats close to Metro stations
by mita56
Jan 28, 2011
Forum: Accommodation Wanted
Topic: Looking to move
Replies: 0
Views: 3369

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