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hey you! ..... yeah you!.... come over here for a sec

DUBAI! ........... ............ ............. it's been a month now.... i've come down here looking for job 3 month after ma wedding.... no luck yet! am stayin with a MUCH older relative...... and the only thing i can do is go to the supermarket a block away!....ok enough with the drama! i'm not ask...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 05, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: hey you! ..... yeah you!.... come over here for a sec
Replies: 6
Views: 4256


hey there guys!.
it's nice ...being welcomed like that.... thanx!
where's that phile forum ur talkin about?
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 07, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: hey you! ..... yeah you!.... come over here for a sec
Replies: 6
Views: 4256

Piece of cake!

hey maaaan! .... if u're seriously considering it! i could help ....... posting adverts in supermarket boards.....bumper stickers....... word of mouth ........ ummmm spam (or not) ....... you name it !...... I THINK THIS FORUM ROXXXXXXXXX! i've tried doing pleeeeeeeeeenty of searches for internet so...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 07, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Have to be more popular!!!
Replies: 16
Views: 9290

i feel u bro- pink power

yeah to hell wid being a gentelman..... i mean not online as well well am a mechatronics engineer sort of (mechanical electrical control computers)........ you got some grrrreat raps goin on there man .... hey keep it up ....ish is great too.... but he's somehow not focused ... ;7 ---- yeah i read t...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: hey you! ..... yeah you!.... come over here for a sec
Replies: 6
Views: 4256

comic complaints

do you have any dark comedy u'd like to share with us? let me start! ------------- findin a job ch#1 -------------------- the thing about finding a job is that.... you don't really tell people.... "no i don't work..... but i'm looking for a job ".... you have to make up those weird twisted descripti...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 08, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: comic complaints
Replies: 1
Views: 2402

news stands!

one thing i've noticed about most of the news stands i've come across in this country is a very peculiar act of ummmm well..... let's see what you think.... you do know most of the glamour magazines, aren't really 'bout articles or anything, just photos..... poch people .... colorful gatherings........
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 09, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: news stands!
Replies: 8
Views: 4717


is there any light at the end of this dark winding tunnel is there any hope of getting there is there any hope of knowing where (there) is? please tell me.... if there's any hope whatsoever please tell me.... if i'll ever comeout of the dark if i'll ever taste the sweet flavor of success if i'll eve...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 09, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: thoughts!.....
Replies: 5
Views: 3463

gracious....yeah right?

who the hell do you think you are to try to judge me?!!!!!........ who the hell asked for your god damned opinion about my posts?!! who the hell asked you for advice.......?????!!!!!!!!!!! i'd sugest you'd think it over .... and look at your own life , criticize it , screw it, make fun of it , kill ...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: news stands!
Replies: 8
Views: 4717

it's all a matter of fairness

this is a clarification to whoever cares to discuss this matter ..... it's a trivial matter i agree.... but i believe it's definitely not fair for the publishers...... especially that it ain't browsing or zooming....... i'd be buying stuff at the market n if i'm away for 10 minutes 'n i pass by ther...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: news stands!
Replies: 8
Views: 4717

Gracious indeeeeeeeeed

i posted some stuff 'bout news-stands ..... just openin up a conversation....'n i got that reply from a guest called gracious "Mirrorcraxx, what is up with you? You sound fairly close to suicide if you ask me. Do you really care if people read a magazine at a news stand? Or are you a news stand vend...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Gracious indeeeeeeeeed
Replies: 1
Views: 2337

interestin stuff you got there .... it's comforting to know you've made it .... still holding to your sanity...... and laughin it out at folks like maself....... i'm glad i made u laugh .... 'n if this post does so as well .... i'll even be much more happier ....... nothing pleases me than to see a ...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: news stands!
Replies: 8
Views: 4717

what do you love most 'bout Dubai..... what turns you off?

.... lately i got a tip from a casual visitor remindin me this forum is about dubai .... so we have to stick to dubi related posts .... great .... ! things i like : ------------ 1. cheap cars. 2. good motorways (compared to where i come from) 3. abundance 'n diversity of products 4. good customer se...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: what do you love most 'bout Dubai..... what turns you off?
Replies: 0
Views: 2306

tears of the clown

the teacher lined us up in class 'n asked us what we wanna be i picked up the clown 'n u picked the audience 'n as the class burst out in laughter 'n i burst out in tears i knew i'd be the joker through out the years tears of the clown once they bring him down they bring him up again to try again 'n...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: thoughts!.....
Replies: 5
Views: 3463

not another rainbow

we're clouds in the sky feathers in the wind with crystal dreams that fly 'n knives that cut within we're masters of the universe .....yet lost within ourselves we maynot own everything.......... but never nothin else never nothin else tryin to figure out this life in such amusin ways 'n the sea get...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: thoughts!.....
Replies: 5
Views: 3463

where can i get doc martens around here?

any of ya ppl know where i could find a store around dubai that sells doc marten shoes?
i've looked around a bit ... but found none
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: where can i get doc martens around here?
Replies: 2
Views: 4806

Fellowship of the ring

yo ppl ..... if anyone out there is interested in goin to the lord of the rings -return of the king ..... when it's on ...u know ..... i was suggesting goin all together u know the lotr fans 'n stuff ...(if there's any out there!)..... maybe we can be the fellowship of the ring (who'er on a mission ...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 10, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Fellowship of the ring
Replies: 4
Views: 3571

am not sure

am not quite sure andyba ....some say 24th others say jan....guess we'll wait n see
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 12, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Fellowship of the ring
Replies: 4
Views: 3571

up 'n down 'n all around

i've gone around city centre from top to bottom 'n from side to side but couldn't find anything...... a guy in a shop told me the agent closed 1 year ago ..... any other places suggested
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 12, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: where can i get doc martens around here?
Replies: 2
Views: 4806

waking up

The waltz of colors floating in calm certain waves Having my own portrait painted everyday Seeing myself self differently from every angle in every way There’s no sky above me , no earth beneath me I’m in the comfortable confinement of those cement walls The water falls.......... ......................
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 12, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: thoughts!.....
Replies: 5
Views: 3463

why is the b in the centre?

the first impression i got was ...hmmmm a (b) ...... the colors are good ....but there's no need to put something in the centre ...... hey listen andyba i need to discuss the possibilities of this popularity thang if this is serious ..... it could be verrrrrrrrrrrrrry big ..... there are steps thoug...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 13, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Have to be more popular!!!
Replies: 16
Views: 9290

now that's the twist to the story!

as all new hollywood directors now are very impressed with the idea of misleading the audience then shocking them with the REAL story.... 'n sort of tickling ur mind ......... i suppose 'ol bush had this childhood dream of becoming a director with all his cool staff ....... so decided to ride the wa...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 15, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Saddam Hussain - Finally arrested!
Replies: 19
Views: 9315

thou shall not kill?!!!!!!!!!!!

i have learned that the more you're exposed to what you would normally hate or dislike ..... you'd turn bias sometimes even a supporter at times.......... far off from all those politicians 'n conflicts.... i seriously donot understand how it has become soooooooo easy just to read about the death of...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 17, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Saddam Hussain - Finally arrested!
Replies: 19
Views: 9315

a7a ya shakha

bla bla na tada kla kla klo klo fel popo ya khawalo teezoko 7amro ya 3el2o
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 21, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Shair O Shairi
Replies: 17
Views: 11642

nice point!

hey i believe a point was brought up that should be considered true! the society in dubai focuses more on work and consumerism far more than creativity, productivity, self expression and art, but hey ....! .... whenever there's a will there's a way..... so let's see if there'r any good ideas of how ...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 21, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Spinoza * Descartes * Borges * Rand: Anyone?
Replies: 11
Views: 5574

pat the consumer!

when i first landed in dubai (which wasn't very long ago) i was amazed, and when i went to the malls, i felt like i wanna buy everything, i wanna live here ! ...get a car..... home theatre system, dvd players..... clothes.... but then when i came back to my senses i realized they're all consumerist ...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 21, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: pat the consumer!
Replies: 0
Views: 1953

Bush prosecuted as a WAR CRIMINAL

ok it's a rumor........i made it up... i confess.... here'r other fake unbelievable news headlines: 1. middle east arabs finally decide to give up the dipers they wear on their head and decided a cowboy hat would be more appealing. 2. there are no more indians in Dubai. 3. KFC have started to actual...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 23, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Bush prosecuted as a WAR CRIMINAL
Replies: 1
Views: 2974

How was your day

hey how was your day today ?
was it any different?
where did you go?
who did you see?
..... would you care to share it :) :wink:
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 23, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How was your day
Replies: 0
Views: 1961

more fake news comin up

1. Dubai to change it's name to Dunbai due to the increasing amounts of indians in the country. 2. Ronald mcdonald prosecuted for child molestation, 10yrs old harry used to go to mcdonald's every weekend with his folks, get his happy meal, and play with his toy, however a most horrifying incident oc...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 24, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Bush prosecuted as a WAR CRIMINAL
Replies: 1
Views: 2974

farewell dubai

i have spent a month and a half in dubai now! i'd say i didn't enjoy it much coz i'm the type who likes to have friends around, looking for a job is tough business if you ain't up to it ....don't start with it .... don't be too demanding and don't be too cheap..... i'd like to give a biiiiiiiiiiiiii...
by mirrorCRAX
Dec 24, 2003
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: farewell dubai
Replies: 2
Views: 2432

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