I am completely with Ambassador on this one. Just reinstalling Windows isn't enough. There can be very sensitive personal or financial data on there. Even if you delete it, it can be recovered.
May I suggest a daily glass of pomegranate juice? It's a little known trade secret,
Pomegranate juice can have the same effect as viagra and is also known to help combat stress, fear and anxiety which are all a major contributor to the loss of se.x drive in a man.
The talk in the UK (where music is current) is of Tulisa, judge on xfactor and with a s.ex tape on the go. She has just been voted sexiest lady in some poll. I'd do her. Destined to be No 1.
Agreed Mortimer. I don't know many men who would admit to being a virgin after the age of 20. If I had been that unfortunate I certainly would not admit to it.
Nucleus, you have a lot of love songs. Was any of those songs ever a song you shared with your partner, being "our" song? Isn't "our" song, the song you first danced together or kissed together? As a coincidence, all the songs I shared came true, how twilight zone! http://www.you...
Not sure what coaster biting is Joe, but congratulations, I think.
I do have hidden talents but the talent I can show in public is that I can drink a pint of beer in one gulp. I'm not sure that's a talent, when I think about it, more practice makes perfect.
The hardest part is controlling the massive explosive burp when done. I prefer to do that in private as it tends to scare the hell out of other pub guests.
Thought about it, but my anonymity can't be guaranteed. Can only tall, intelligent guys donate? Because those I spoke thinking about being on the receiving end all want sperm from a tall, intelligent guy. You can actually make that preference known at the bank.