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Bank asking for recovery after Credit Card payment was made

Hi Today I got a call from India saying that I have to pay Credit card bill to Emirate NBD, It was a shock for me. he told me that they have transferred the case to India I was given a credit card around 8 to 9 years a go, which I never used , then after around a year I lost my hand bag in which los...
by mebss
Jan 13, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Bank asking for recovery after Credit Card payment was made
Replies: 6
Views: 4800

Re: Bank Asking For Recovery After Credit Card Payment Was M

Andyba ,

Thank you for your reply, I am trying to find the documents . But my question is can they again file a case against me (criminal or civil) and put a travel ban on me.

Please advice.

by mebss
Jan 14, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Bank asking for recovery after Credit Card payment was made
Replies: 6
Views: 4800

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