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Re: Dubai Court Help

xty ,hello I never used an attorney in the US they are lazy and just work to get all your money. Is an translation accepted. I have a friend who would translate for me and I am reviewing the laws and procedures now.
by maxx626
Mar 13, 2014
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Dubai court help
Replies: 11
Views: 38167


Philipinas are perfect women. They set the tone wherever they go and do not subscribe to fake social norms which is exactly whats needed in Dubai as the locals attempt to back track humanity 3000 years into the past. I find any lady that tells a society to stick your backward progress stopping socia...
by maxx626
Mar 14, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Reasons why Filipinas are cheap
Replies: 20
Views: 32719

Re: You're Prohibited From WHAT?!

shafique , I think the question is very clear which do you choose literally. I do not understand you reluctance to answer. I personally have no confusion about bible verses. The bible promotes slavery so it is evil and has no place in a conversation regarding morals. --- Mar 14, 2014 --- rayznack ,...
by maxx626
Mar 14, 2014
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: You're prohibited from WHAT?!
Replies: 9
Views: 9872

Re: Reasons Why HE Stopped Calling?

There are three reasons a guy is not calling
1. Your not philipina.

2. You don't look philipina

3. You don't act like a philipina
by maxx626
Mar 14, 2014
Forum: Dubai Romance
Topic: Reasons why HE stopped calling?
Replies: 65
Views: 17481

Re: Dubai Court Help

All documents submitted to the court must be in Arabic or legally translated by a court approved translation service. The defendant in my case submitted 7 documents to support a counter claim against are all in english and not translated. I my answer I asked the judge to dismiss the claim based upo...
by maxx626
Jul 16, 2014
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Dubai court help
Replies: 11
Views: 38167

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