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Ban for expat

Hi, Ive been workin in U.A.E for the past year and a half and am plannin to quit. But my employer says that he'll put a lifelonng ban one me...i.e i wont be able to enter U.A.E for the rest of my life(sumkinda blacklist).. is it true cuz ive heard of only 6 months ban. And im defn. not comin here fo...
by mave
Oct 03, 2004
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Ban for expat
Replies: 11
Views: 4985

i hope so

Yeah i guess so u rite he might be just scaring me but the fact is that he does have many contacts in the ministry. Well im a comp. Engg. and was wondering if the Ban is applicable.I came here accepting a offer which was a 2 year contract acc. to the dubai govt rules but at the same time i do have t...
by mave
Oct 04, 2004
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Ban for expat
Replies: 11
Views: 4985

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