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Salary Expectations - Need some advice please?

I am applying for a position as a production manager within the furnishings industry in Dubai. It would involve managing approximately 50 staff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are your salary expectations? What is your expected base salary as...
by markco2
Sep 10, 2007
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Salary Expectations - Need some advice please?
Replies: 2
Views: 3586

Thanks Studstar.

Hopefully it will help.

Much appreciated.

Cheers markco2
by markco2
Sep 10, 2007
Forum: Jobs in Dubai
Topic: Salary Expectations - Need some advice please?
Replies: 2
Views: 3586

Just out of interest, do any of you socialise with Fillipinos? Reason why i ask. I am your average Aussie living in Melbourne and have socialised with many Asians and Fillipinos over the years. The ones i have met i have found them to be very hospitable, honest and hard working including in business...
by markco2
Oct 07, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Racism towards different races?
Replies: 47
Views: 27489

Way too much is being read into this. All that the Australian government did was to deny a request that Sharia Law be implemented into Australian law. There is nothing radical about the Australian decision, apart from the fact that it wasn't taken very seriously. Although this may have been due to ...
by markco2
Oct 07, 2007
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Australia
Replies: 29
Views: 9799

Hi Daniyaal, It is true that the British took over what we now know as Australia. Remember we are talking about 230 years ago where Aboriginals were classified as primitive natives. Rightly or wrongly, if the British had not seized the land then the Dutch or someone else would have. How they were tr...
by markco2
Oct 09, 2007
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Australia
Replies: 29
Views: 9799

Chosenone, Thanks for a great report regarding the property market. I am still weighing up my position in regard to a job i am hoping to secure. We will also be looking around the AR & Meadows area for a 3 B/room villa with all the conveniences. The Hermes report does give me some clarification ...
by markco2
Oct 09, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Dubai Property report
Replies: 4
Views: 2258

Hi Sydneysider, Well said. You make some very valid points. Considering i am looking at relocating from Oz to Dubai, i would not be able to get the same job opportunity in Australia. I am not talking about money either. I suppose expats go to Dubai for many reasons. Just like you Sydneysider, my fie...
by markco2
Oct 10, 2007
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Australia
Replies: 29
Views: 9799

Hi, I could be relocating to Dubai within the next couple of months from Australia. I have been doing some research regarding the location of my job around the Port area as well as Villas possibly in the Arabian Ranches vicinity. I have tried several maps to try to find the easiest route to and from...
by markco2
Oct 15, 2007
Forum: Dubai Guide and photos
Topic: Maps of dubai
Replies: 39
Views: 44541

Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world, but the government is doing everything to asure that the economy does not crash, so far they have succeeded With the AED pegged to the US Dollar does not help its cause considering Dubai is made up of mostly expats. What are they going to do ...
by markco2
Oct 26, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Dubai too fast
Replies: 6
Views: 3635

Firefingers, If the UAE does not change its monetary system currently pegged to the $US, then more than likely we will see alot of the highly skilled Expats leaving as well. Why bother signing a 3 year contract where there is no allowance for a depreciating currency and spiralling inflation? What ma...
by markco2
Oct 29, 2007
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Things are getting out of hand ~~~
Replies: 2
Views: 3347

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