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Where to get NOC from Sharjah Police

Hi, I need to get an NOC from Sharjah Police (as my Visa is from FZ in Sharjah) to apply for a liquor license in Dubai, where I live, but I don't know which police station I need to go. I tried to go to Sharjah Police HQ but they sent me to another place, which I couldn't find. Can anyone tell me wh...
by marcoinno
Sep 22, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Where to get NOC from Sharjah Police
Replies: 3
Views: 5056

Re: Where To Get NOC From Sharjah Police

Thanks. I googled actually a while for that and the police website, which you outlined is a starting point. I actually called them last week serval times, but only was then forwarded to several other phone numbers to call, which ended up with no answers. The reason why I posted in this forum is, to ...
by marcoinno
Sep 22, 2013
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Where to get NOC from Sharjah Police
Replies: 3
Views: 5056

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