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Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

I have exactly the same case as you marie. I've overstayed while waiting for new visa. My previous company refuses to lift the case, even though I told them I'll pay all the expenses. My passport is in immigration abu dhabi. I'm willing to pay fine and my own ticket. I'm really worried if they might...
by ma2107
Dec 16, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: how to drop an absconding case

Hi, no still trying. No results until now. In immigration they said only employer can lift it or deportation. So I'm waiting if anyone can help.
by ma2107
Dec 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

After my visa cancellation my employer sent my passport to immigration office. So I even had no choice. I didn't see my passport 2 month. Cannot leave the country, cannot do new visa. To get a lawyer is very expensive in this country, don't know how can I get out. And how is it even possible to put ...
by ma2107
Dec 25, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

Right now you can go to immigration office and write complaint about it. Also comunicate with your embassy. I have nothing else to suggest anymore. But if I find out how to get out, and I will find it, I will let you know. Keep strong and good luck!
by ma2107
Dec 26, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

Re: How To Drop An Absconding Case

marie8347 ,
I'm glad for you Marie. I hope everything will be fine with the rest of us too.
by ma2107
Dec 29, 2013
Forum: Dubai Visa
Topic: how to drop an absconding case
Replies: 120
Views: 98402

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